Přispěvatelé: MARIANO D'AMORE, D'Alessio, Lidia, Virginillo, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: The issue of harmonization of accounting standards in the Italian system deserves different level of analysis. In our country, the need to harmonize all the existing accounting standards in the public sector is well known; in these late years the incentive for their amendment to ensure consistency in the regulatory system has been very strong. At the same time more and more the internal rules need to be aligned to the new European and international binding principles which often require a new concept of work flow in order to support comparative and information analysis. Hence, harmonization needs, on one hand, to take into account all the guidelines that in the latest 15 years have driven the behavioral change in management and accounting within the public sector (with particular reference to the ones stated in the DPR n. 97/2003); on the other, it needs to consider the external regulatory reviews which have modified the configuration of accounting tools and documents used for compartmental comparative analysis both at European level (CAFOG model-Classification of the Function of Government e SEC ‘95) and worldwide (IAS and IPSAS principles). Widening the perspective, the harmonization of accounting standards must also meet other dynamic and more complex requirements arising both from public governance as well as from the expectations of the relevant large number of stakeholders. Under this view, the harmonization of the accounting standards should create a unified logic between the accounting system and the accountability system, so to give valuable information to every end user (citizen). In other words, the Italian system should be analyzed not only under the specific perspective of public governance, but also under the complex structure of government, meaning all processes, responsibilities, decision levels and evaluation criteria which take part to the innovation process of public administrations. The set of standards to be defined in the harmonization process should be able to create a transparent, clear and simple network of golden rules, to be easily implemented and capable to increase quality and control in the diversified scenario of public entities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE