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Ridurre l'ansia preoperatoria...
Navrhnout nákup titulu
Ridurre l'ansia preoperatoria a 'suon di musica': studio sperimentale in una unità operativa di chirurgia vascolare
Sili, A
Fida, R
Proietti, D
Vellone, E
Alvaro, R
Rok vydání:
Summary. Decreasing preoperative anxiety by music: experimental study in a vascular surgery. Introduction. Preoperative anxiety is common in patients undergoing surgical interventions. Several international studies have shown the positive effect of music before minor surgery and invasive procedures
but the effect of music before major surgery was not explored. Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of music on anxiety in patients undergoing vascular surgery (aortic aneurism and thromboendarterectomy). Methods. Surgical patients were randomized to listening to music before surgery (music group) or to routine care. Anxiety was measured with the STAI-Y
administered three hours before surgery (Time 1) and before the induction of anesthesia (Time 2). After Time 1
only patients assigned to the music group listened to music. Results. The groups were comparable for the main characteristics. In the Music group (N 50) anxiety decreased after listening to music v the controls (N 50) (STAI-Y mean scores 52.2 and 31.1 respectively
p < 0.001). The differences between the two groups in the two measurements explained the 73% of the variance. Discussion. Listening to music is effective in decreasing anxiety in patients undergoing vascular surgery
Summary. Decreasing preoperative anxiety by music: experimental study in a vascular surgery. Introduction. Preoperative anxiety is common in patients undergoing surgical interventions. Several international studies have shown the positive effect of music before minor surgery and invasive procedures
only patients assigned to the music group listened to music. Results. The groups were comparable for the main characteristics. In the Music group (N 50) anxiety decreased after listening to music v the controls (N 50) (STAI-Y mean scores 52.2 and 31.1 respectively
administered three hours before surgery (Time 1) and before the induction of anesthesia (Time 2). After Time 1
Settore MED/45 - Scienze Infermieristiche Generali
Cliniche e Pediatriche
but the effect of music before major surgery was not explored. Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of music on anxiety in patients undergoing vascular surgery (aortic aneurism and thromboendarterectomy). Methods. Surgical patients were randomized to listening to music before surgery (music group) or to routine care. Anxiety was measured with the STAI-Y
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