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The WP5 (Action 5.4) of the ManagMED project foresees measurement, evaluation, and estimation of the parameters that have a negative impact on the sites, throughout the use of innovative inventory methods (A5.4). The preliminary studies (WP2) carried out on the chosen Nature 2000 sites, contributed in recognising phenomena and activities which have a negative impact on the protection state of the sites. Mapping, inventories, and forest monitoring constitute the support base allowing acknowledging of environments, and of conservation and evaluation methods of the natural resources, therefore permitting planning of ideal methods for the realisation of a non- passive integration between man and environment. Inventory and monitoring of forest resources which characterise the Nature 2000 “Bosco S. Adriano” site, were carried out through sampling of qualitative and quantitative type attributes, following the MNTFR project protocol (Monitoring of No-Timber Forest Resources). Such protocol was developed by different European research institutes with the aim of acquiring information about non-wood forest goods and services (NWGS: Non – Wood Goods and Services). In Italy the protocol was tested in some areas with the purpose of adapting it to the conditions of the Apennine-Mediterranean environment. Within the 5.4 Action of the WP 5 of the ManagMED project, the protocol was used as an inventory research method, finalized at individuating and monitoring of environmental risks and impacts on Nature 2000 habitats present inside the site. The objective was that of finding precise measures able to reduce such risks and that could be taken under consideration for the elaboration of the site’s management guide lines. |