Legal-historical review of the Parish of St. Martin the Bishop in Virje during the twentieth century

Autor: Rerih, Ivan
Přispěvatelé: Ilić, Zdenko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Dvadeseto stoljeće obilježeno je radikalnim promjenama u načinu života čitava svijeta. Dva svjetska rata, stalne migracije stanovništva i jačanje liberalizma samo su neki od događaja koji su obilježili dvadeseto stoljeće. Sva ta događanja nisu zaobišla ni život Crkve u svijetu, a ni život Crkve u Hrvatskoj. Župe su temeljna jedinica Crkve, a njihov život najbolje može prikazati stanje Crkve u tom periodu. Kao što i sam naslov govori, rad je posvećen prikazu Župe svetog Martina biskupa u Virju tijekom dvadesetog stoljeća. Kroz povijesni vid prikazivanja moguće je kronološki pratiti događanja u Župi te vidjeti kakve posljedice na život Župe imaju navedena događanja. Stradavanja župljana u svjetskim ratovima ostavila su demografske posljedice, a promjena vlasti u državi donosi nove izazove pred Župu. Kroz pravni vid, odnosno kroz podatke iz crkvenih matičnih knjiga, može se jasno vidjeti kako i na koji način to turbulentno vrijeme utječe na život Župe i njezinih župljana. Društveno-politička zbivanja na neki način diktiraju tempo života Župe te se prije svega sakrament ženidbe često ravna prema tim okolnostima. Vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata najviše je utjecalo na život Crkve u Hrvata. Progoni i ubojstva svećenika postaju svakodnevica u tom periodu, a isto se događa i u Župi svetog Martina u Virju. Posljedice toga vremena ostavile su velik trag u životu Župe, a vidljive su čak i danas. The twentieth century was marked by radical changes in the way of life of the whole world. Two world wars, the constant migration of the population and the rise of liberalism are just some of the events that marked the twentieth century. All these events did not bypass either life of Church in the world, nor the life of the Church in Croatia. Parishes are a fundamental unit of Church, and their life can best portray state of Church during this period. As title suggests, this paper is dedicated to depiction of Parish of St. Martin the Bishop in Virje during the twentieth century. Through the historical form of presentation, it is possible to chronologically follow the events in Parish and see what consequences on the life of Parish have these events. Suffering of parishioners in the world wars has left demographic consequences, and the change of government in the country brings new challenges to the Parish. Through legal aspect, i.e. through data from church registers, it can be clearly seen how and in what way this turbulent time affects the life of the Parish and its parishioners. Socio-political events in a way dictate the pace of life of the Parish, and above all the sacrament of marriage is often governed by these circumstances. During World War Two, the life of the Church in Croatia had the greatest impact on the life of the Church. Persecutions and murders of priests became everyday life during this period, and the same thing happens in the Parish of St. Martin in Virje. The consequences of that time left a great mark on the life of the Parish, and are visible even today.
Databáze: OpenAIRE