Rite od anointing of the sick. Historical - liturgical analysis

Autor: Ferko, Vedran
Přispěvatelé: Pažin, Zvonko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Tema ovog rada je prikaz sakramenta bolesničkog pomazanja kroz povijest od početaka Crkve do danas. Rad je podijeljen kronološki. Prikazan je način shvaćanja bolesti i pomazanje bolesnika u Starom i u Novom zavjetu. Nakon toga izlaže se skrb za bolesne i bolesničko pomazanje u prvoj Crkvi. Tada se naglašavalo da je biskup onaj koji posvećuje ulje, dok je djelitelj mogao biti biskup, svećenik, ali i laik, pa i sâm bolesnik. Na Tridentskom saboru je točno definirano da ulje blagoslivlje biskup, ali je djelitelj isključivo biskup ili svećenik, što je onda uneseno i u Rimski obrednik iz 1614 koji je vrijedio sve do Drugog vatikanskog sabora. Na Drugom vatikanskom saboru jasno je rečeno da radije treba govoriti o bolesničkom nego o posljednjem pomazanju. U radu će se ukazati na novine koje donosi nauk Drugog vatikanskog sabora te kako je to pretočeno u novi Red bolesničkog pomazanja i skrbi za bolesne. Pastoralna praksa pokazuje da se ovaj sakrament među vjernicima ipak sve više doživljava kao sakrament bolesnih, a ne samo umirućih. The theme of this paper is a presentation of the sacrament of anointing of the sick through history from the beginnings of the Church to the present day. The paper is divided chronologically. The way of understanding the disease and anointing the sick in the Old and New Testaments is shown. After that, care for the sick and anointing of the sick in the first Church is presented. It was then emphasized that the bishop was the one who consecrated the oil, while the distributor could be a bishop, a priest, but also a layman, and even the patient himself. It was precisely defined at the Council of Trent that the oil was blessed by the bishop, but the distributor was exclusively a bishop or priest, which was then introduced into the Roman Rite of 1614 which was valid until the Second Vatican Council. At the Second Vatican Council it was clearly stated that one should speak of the sick rather than the last anointing. The paper will point out the novelties brought by the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and how this has been translated into the new Order of Anointing of the Sick and Caring for the Sick. Pastoral practice shows that this sacrament is increasingly perceived among the faithful as the sacrament of the sick, not just the dying.
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