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Tema ovog diplomskog rada glasi »New Age – religijski sinkretizam nespojiv s kršćanstvom“. Prvi dio ovog rada govori o povijesti New Agea. Govori o njegovoj pojavi u Kaliforniji i Škotskoj iz kojih su proizašli svojevrsni centri New Agea odnosno zajednice. Ovo poglavlje vodi nas kroz pet korijena iz kojih New Age crpi svoja učenja, a više možemo saznati čitajući rad. U drugom poglavlju govorimo o praksi New Agea, točnije njegovoj iscjeliteljskoj ulozi. O alternativnoj medicini New Agea. Budući da je veliki broj tehnika iscjeljivanja koje su dio pokreta New Age, u isto vrijeme i preopširan opis svake tehnike, ovaj rad detaljnije obrađuje najzastupljenije metode iscjeljivanja pod nazivima Yoga i Reiki. U trećem posljednjem poglavlju rada govorimo o neprihvatljivim postavkama New Agea za kršćanstvo. Pobliže objašnjavamo zablude i razlike između „boga New Agea“ i Boga u kojega vjeruju kršćani, a to je Trojedini Bog - Otac, Sin i Duh Sveti. Cilj rada je ukazati na sve zablude i opasnosti kojima New Age zavodi i pridobiva ljude, najčešće radi neznanja i traganja za mističnim doživljajem nečeg novog dok su nesvjesni skrivenih opasnosti. The theme of this diploma thesis is "New Age - religious syncretism incompatible with Christianity.". The first part of this paper talks about the history of the New Age. It talks about its appearance in California and Scotland, from which a kind of New Age center or community emerged. This chapter takes us through the five roots from which the New Age draws its teachings, and we can learn more by reading the paper. In the second chapter, we talk about the practice of the New Age, more specifically about its healing role. About New Age Alternative Medicine. Since a large number of healing techniques are part of the New Age movement, the same time and excessive description of each technique, this paper deals in more detail with the most common healing methods called Yoga and Reiki. In the third and last chapter of the paper, we talk about the unacceptable New Age settings for Christianity. We explain in more detail the misconceptions and differences between the "god of the New Age" and the God in whom Christians believe, and that is the Triune God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The aim of this paper is to point out all the misconceptions and dangers with which the New Age seduces and gains people, most often due to ignorance and the search for a mystical experience of something new while they are unaware of the hidden dangers. |