Les élevages de porcs traditionnels du bassin arachidier sénégalais

Autor: Buldgen, André, Piraux, Marc, Dieng, A., Schmit, G., Compère, Roger
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Revue Mondiale de Zootechnie
Popis: A survey was conducted on 115 farms located in towns and villages of the Seneglese groundnut basin in order to establish demographic and zootechnical parameters of local pig production units. The results show that pig producers use very rudimentary farming techniques and equipment, alimentation practices are inefficient, sanitary regulations are not applied and prophylaxis is non-existent. There are on average two pigs per farm. The pyramid graph indicates a high rate of young animals. The number of piglets born alive per farrow ranges between six and eight, with a mortality rate before weaning of 12.5 percent. The average daily gains are low: 156 g for males and 117 g for females. The economic analysis shows a low profit margin because of the high price of bath the animals and the feed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE