SINGER, the System wide Information NEtwork on Genetic Resources of CGIAR

Autor: Sood, Rajesh, Viparthi, Kiran, Sarah, Gautier, Skofic, Milko, Arnaud, Elizabeth
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Proceedings of TDWG 2009 Annual Conference, Montpellier, France, 9-13 november 2009
Popis: The System-Wide Information System for Genetic Resources (SINGER) ( is an online catalogue of crop collections that provides inventories of conserved agricultural diversity and offers primary access for identifying and locate where samples are conserved. SINGER provides a single entry point into the crop collections' inventories of 11 centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre (AVRDC). SINGER enables users to access the description of conserved samples, the distribution of samples worldwide, the location of the collected sample, and information on the site where the original sample was collected. It is possible to find a set of plants meeting selected criteria by choosing a geographical area on Google Maps, acquiring climate data from WorldClim's set of global climate layers (, and using LocClim, a local monthly climate estimator from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ( An online sample-ordering gateway has been added to SINGER, so that anyone can now access material via a 'shopping-cart' function and send a request to the appropriate germplasm providers. SINGER is based on the international standard called the MultiCrop Passport data (FAO/Bioversity) which is the 'Identity card' of the sample conserved: vernacular name, taxonomy, donor name, site of collect, georeferences, etc., and the crop descriptors' lists (Bioversity International and partners). In the future, the newly developed Crop ontology will be embedded into SINGER's metadata. SINGER is a product of the CGIAR System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP). This programme unites several CGIAR research centres in a common effort to sustain biodiversity for current and future generations. Much of SGRP's efforts to date have focused on plant genetic resources; however attention is also being given to forest, animal, and aquatic genetic resources, given the interdependence of all components of agricultural biodiversity. The CGIAR is committed to helping build a global information portal of genetic resources, and SGRP serves to bring together the CGIAR Centres in this common mission. By linking SINGER with other types of data, such as information from breeders, the future global germplasm information portal will strengthen and facilitate SINGER's role as a gateway to the world's agricultural biodiversity. (Texte intégral)
Databáze: OpenAIRE