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Riba je jedna od najlakše kvarljivih namirnica zbog čega nepravilno rukovanje te uvjeti skladištenja dovode do fizikalnih, kemijskih, biokemijskih i mikrobioloških promjena, odnosno do narušavanja njene svježine. S obzirom na veći broj postojećih metoda rukovanja ribom u pojedinim fazama lanca „od ulova do stola“, cilj ovog diplomskog rada je dati pregled različitih metoda rukovanja ribom te usporediti utjecaj različitih metoda ulova, hlađenja i održavanja hladnog lanca na kvalitetu sitne plave ribe. Pregledom literature zaključuje se da ukoliko se uobičajena praksa rukovanja ribom zamijeni upotrebom pumpi za ukrcaj ulova te transportom i skladištenjem ulova u izotermičkim sanducim s mješavinom morske vode i leda to može rezultirati boljim očuvanjem kvalitete ribe od ulova do prerade. Fish is one of the most perishable foods, which is why improper handling and storage conditions lead to physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological changes, and to the deterioration of its freshness. Given the large number of existing methods of fish handling in certain phases of the chain "from catch to table", the aim of this thesis is to give an overview of different methods of fish handling and compare the impact of different methods of catching, cooling and maintaining a cold chain on the quality of small pelagic fish. A review of the literature concludes that if the usual practice of handling fish is replaced by the use of catch-loading pumps and with the transport and storage of catches in isothermal boxes with a mixture of seawater and ice, this may result in better preservation of fish quality from catch to processing. |