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U suvremeno vrijeme raste potražnja za pilećim mesom od strane potrošača pa sukladno tome proizvođači pilećeg mesa moraju osigurati i veću proizvodnju. Da bi to ostvarili, različitim genetskim selekcijama omogućili su brži tov pilića s većim prinosima na masi. Prilikom ubrzanog tova pilića dolazi do brojnih promjena u samom mišićnom tkivu, ali i metabolizmu tovnih pilića. Promjenama uzrokovanima u mišićnom tkivu dolazi do pojave bolesti mišića, a u ovom radu navedene su i objašnjene sve moderne miopatije koje se javljaju kao posljedice ubrzanog tova pilića i svojom pojavom utječu na kvalitetu mesa. Najpoznatije miopatije modernog doba koje zahvaćaju pileće meso, odnosno veliki prsni mišić koji je ujedno i najpoželjniji dio trupa tovnih pilića za potrošače, a navedene su u ovom radu, su: „White Striping“, „Woody Breast“ i „Spaghetti Meat“, dok miopatija „Gaping Defect“ zahvaća mali prsni mišić. Sve navedene miopatije imaju negativan utjecaj na nutritivne, organoleptičke i procesne parametre pilećeg mesa koji su opisani u ovom radu. Obzirom da utječu na kvalitetu pilećeg mesa, navedene miopatije uzrokuju i velike ekonomske gubitke u industriji pilećeg mesa. In a modern world, consumers demand for chicken meat is increasing, so producers of chicken meat have to ensure more efficient production. To achieve that, they have made improvements in strain selection which resulted in rapid growth in chicken and increased breast yield. During rapid growth of chickens, there are many different changes that occurs in muscle tissue and in the metabolism of broilers. All those changes in muscle tissue cause muscle defects so, in this bachelor thesis, all modern miopathies that are result of rapid growth in chicken will be explained due to their huge impact on chicken meat quality. Most common miopathies of modern age that have an impact on pectoralis major muscle, which is also the most wanted part of broilers` carcass by consumers, are „White Striping“, „Woody Breast“ and „Spaghetti Meat“. On the other hand, miopathy „Gaping Defect“ has an impact on pectoralis minor muscle of broilers. All of miopathies have negative influence on nutritional, organoleptic and processing properties of chicken meat. Including the fact that miopathies have a role in meat quality, they also cause big economic losses in poultry industry. |