Biofilm systems in wastewater treatment

Autor: Marjanović, Blaženko
Přispěvatelé: Landeka Dragičević, Tibela
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Biofilm je kompleksne strukture, predstavlja heterogenu zajednicu stanica na koju značajno utječu okolišni i mehanički uvjeti kojima je takva zajednica izložena. Sastoji se uglavnom od bakterija, ali i drugih mikroba uključujući alge, protozoe i viruse. Mikrobne zajednice u biofilmu razgrađuju različite hranjive tvari, poput spojeva koji sadrže fosfor i dušik, ugljikovodike, kao i patogene iz otpadnih voda. Raspon primjene biofilm sustava je širok, no najviše se upotrebljava prilikom pročišćavanja otpadnih voda iz raznih industrija, poput otpadne vode vinarije, mljekarske i petrokemijske industrije te komunalne otpadne vode. Biofilm has an extremely complex structure and in fact represents a heterogeneous community of cells that are significantly affected by the environmental and mechanical conditions to which such a community is exposed. It consists mainly of bacteria, but also other microbes including algae, protozoa and viruses. The microbial communities in the biofilm break down various nutrients, such as compounds containing phosphorus and nitrogen, hydrocarbons, as well as pathogens from wastewater. The range of applications of biofilm systems is wide, but it is mostly used in the treatment of wastewater from various industries, such as winery wastewater, wastewater from the dairy and petrochemical industries and municipal wastewater.
Databáze: OpenAIRE