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Cilj ovog rada je bio određivanjeosnovnihkemijskih svojstava, i masnih kiselina srdele goleme(Sardinella aurita). Analize osnovnog kemijskog sastava provedene su u 6 paralelnih mjerenja dokje analiza masnih kiselina provedena u 2 paralelna mjerenja. Rezultati su pokazali dasrdela golema sadrži 75,80% ± 0,21 vode, 21,82% ± 0,12 proteina, 2,13% ± 0,04 masti, i 3,58% ± 0,04 pepela. Od ukupne količine masnih kiselina identificirano je 39,39% ± 3,24 SFA, 12,06% ± 0,66 MUFA i 48,55% ± 3,91 PUFA, a najzastupljenije su palmitinska (C16:0), stearinska (C18:0), EPA (C20:5, n-3) i DHA (C22:6, n-3). Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata sa rezultatima drugih autora utvrđene su razlike u kemijskom sastavu zbog različitog perioda ulova i faze reproduktivnog ciklusa. The aim of thisresearch was to determinationbasic chemical properties and fatty acids of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita). Basic chemical composition analyses werecarried out in 6 parallel measurements, while fatty acids analysis was carried out in 2 parallel measurements. The results showed that the round sardinella contains 75,80% ± 0,21 water, 21,82% ± 0,12 protein, 2,13% ± 0,04 fat and 3,58% ± 0,04 ash. Of the total amount of fatty acids 30,39% ±3,24 SFA, 12,06% ±0,66 MUFA and 48,55% ±3,91 PUFA were identified, and the most prevalentare palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), EPA (C20:5, n-3) and DHA (C22:6, n-3). By comparingthe obtained results with the results of other authors, differences in chemical composition were found due to different catch periods and reproductive cycle phases. |