Grape fermentation and the study of the technical technological solution of small distillery

Autor: Cvetković, Tea
Přispěvatelé: Mrvčić, Jasna
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Zemljopisni položaj Dalmacije omogućuje idealne uvijete za uzgoj vinove loze. Mala destilerija Cvetković smještena je u gospodarsku zonu Ravča, grada Vrgorca. Idealan geografski položaj, s odličnom cestovnom povezanošću te blizina sirovine, čini lokaciju izvrsnom za uspješno poslovanje male destilerije te doprinos gospodarskom razvoju lokacije. Rakija od grožđa, uvriježenog naziva lozovača, proizvodi se destilacijom prevrele komine grožđa. Često se za proizvodnju koristi grožđe s manjim udjelom šećera, od kojeg se ne može proizvesti vrhunsko vino ili od grožđa stolnih sorti koje nije plasirano na tržište. Cilj rada je izrada elaborata tehničko – tehnološkog rješenja male destilerije, na osnovu podataka dobivenih tijekom laboratorijske proizvodnje rakije od grožđa. Elaborat sadrži materijalnu i energetsku bilancu, popis potrebnih uređaja, prostorija i radne snage te tlocrt pogona. Pri izradi elaborata potrebno je zadovoljiti sve higijenske i zakonske propise koji omogućuju preradu osjetljivih i manje zastupljenih sorti grožđa koja ne daju vina vrhunske kvalitete, u premium proizvod, lozovaču. The geographical position of Dalmatia provides ideal conditions for growing vines. The small distillery Cvetković is located in the economic zone of Ravča, in town of Vrgorac. The ideal geographical position, with excellent road connections and proximity to raw materials, makes the location excellent for the successful operation of a small distillery and contribution to the economic development of the location. Lozovača is produced by distilling grape pomace. Grapes with a lower sugar content are often used for production, from which top quality wine cannot be produced, or from grapes of table varieties that have not been placed on the market. The purpose of this work was to prepare the study of technical – technological solution of a small distillery. The report contains a material and energy balance, a list of necessary devices, space and manpower, as well as a floor plan of the facility. It is necessary to satisfy all the hygiene and legal regulations that enable the processing of sensitive and less common grape varieties that do not produce top quality wines in a premium product, “lozovača”.
Databáze: OpenAIRE