Usage of biodegradable food packaging and food shelf-life impact regarding packaging biodegradability

Autor: Boras, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Ščetar, Mario
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Zbog sve većeg utjecaja na okoliš, prehrambena industrija traži nove održive načine pakiranja hrane koji bi zamijenili plastiku. U ovome radu obrađene su četiri skupine polimera koji se najčešće koriste u pakiranju hrane: polimeri iz polisaharida (škrob, celuloza), polimeri sintetizirani iz monomera biološkog podrijetla (poli(mliječna kiselina) (PLA), bio – polietilen i bio – polietilen tereftalat), polimeri proizvedeni uz pomoć mikrooganizama (polihidroksialkanoati (PHA)), te biorazgradivi polimeri petrokemijskog podrijetla (polibutilen adipat tereftalat (PBAT), polikaprolakton(PCL)). Tehnologije produljenja trajnosti hrane poput modificirane atmosfere, aktivnog pakiranja i jestive ambalaže zahtijevaju materijale posebnih barijernih i mehaničkih svojstava, stoga se industrija usmjerila na stvaranje biorazgradivih kompozita od više materijala. Najčešće se kombiniraju materijali različitih afiniteta prema vodi: hidrofilni škrob i celuloza s hidrofobnim polimerima poput PLA, PCL, PBAT i PHA. U takve je kompozite moguće ugraditi antioksidanse prirodnog podrijetla i ekstrakte biljaka kako bi se osigurao antimikrobni i antioksidativni efekt. Due to the growing negative impact on the environment, the food industry is looking for new and sustainable ways of food packaging that would replace plastic. This paper deals with four groups of polymers most commonly used in food packaging: polymers from polysaccharides (starch, cellulose), polymers synthesized from monomers of biological origin (polylactic acid (PLA), bio - polyethylene and bio – polyethylene terephtalate), polymers prepared with microorganisms (polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)) and biodegradable polymers of petrochemical origin (polybutylene adipate terephtalate (PBAT), polycaprolactone (PCL)). Food shelf life extension technologies such as modified atmosphere, active packaging and edible packaging require materials with special barrier and mechanical properties, so the industry has focused on creating biodegradable composites from more materials. Materials of different affinities to water are most often combined: hydrophilic starch and cellulose with hydrophobic polymers such as PLA, PCL, PBAT and PHA. In such composites, it is possible to incorporate antioxidants of natural origin and plant extracts to ensure antimicrobial and antioxidant effect.
Databáze: OpenAIRE