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Rad predstavlja analizu dokumentarnog serijala „Whats' up Paris, London, Berlin“ autora i scenarista, Gorana Milića i intervjua sa sugovornicima u tri europska glavna grada kroz osam epizoda. Rad donosi kratki pregled novinarskog puta Milića i njegovog rada na televiziji, a zatim i osnove dokumentarnog filma i intervjua kao novinarskog ţanra, te se detaljnije opisuju obilježja intervjua i analizira koje elemente autor koristi što čini njegov jedinstveni stil. O temi koja se obrađuje nije bilo prethodnih radova koji bi je detaljnije analizirali i zbog toga ovaj rad predstavlja doprinos o shvaćanju lika i djela Gorana Milića koji je ostvario zapaženu ulogu u hrvatskom novinarstvu, a posebice dokumentarizmu. The paper presents an analysis of the documentary series "Whats' up Paris, London, Berlin" by the author and screenwriter, Goran Milić, and interviews with interlocutors in three European capitals through eight episodes. The paper provides a brief overview of Milić's journalistic journey and his work on television, and then the basics of documentary films and interviews as a journalistic genre, and describes in more detail the characteristics of interviews and analyzes which elements the author uses that make up his unique style. There were no previous works that analyzed the topic in detail, and therefore this paper represents a contribution to the understanding of the character and works of Goran Milić, who played a notable role in Croatian journalism, especially documentary. |