A novel oncogene URG4/URGCP and its role in cancer

Autor: Dodurga Y, Seçme M, Lale Şatıroğlu-Tufan N
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Oncogenes are mutated form of normal cellular genes called as proto-oncogenes and conduce to the cancer development process. Despite the fact that so many genes have been described, new genes with oncogenic characteristic and potential or tumor supressoring activity are still being defined. Recently, Up-regulated gene 4/Upregulator of cell proliferation (URG4/URGCP), a novel gene, induced by hepatitis-Bvirus-encoded X antigen (HBxAg), has been identified. URG4/URGCP gene was registered to the National Center for Biotechnology Information-GenBank (NCBI-GenBank, Entrez GeneID: 55665 and Entrez Nucleotide ID NM_017920). URG4/URGCP is located on the short arm of chromosome 7 (7p13) and synthesizes a protein containing 922 amino acids in the cytoplas. Relationship between URG4/URGCP expression and clinicopathologic characteristics were evaluated and significant results were in various cancer types such as hepatocellular carcinoma, osteosarcoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, bladder cancer, gastric cancer and glioma. Although, biological activity of URG4/URGCP and its effect mechanism in malignant cells is not fully understood, all interesting and promising results shows that URG4/URGCP may be a putative oncogene that contributes to multistep carcinogenesis, cell cycle regulation and other important biological process in the cell.
Databáze: OpenAIRE