1st Symposium on Music Education in Malta

Autor: Pirotta, Manoel, First Symposium on Music Education in Malta
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: This article contains the following photographs: Front Cover (of proceedings) - Back Cover (of proceedings)
The Symposium was held at the premises of the German-Maltese Circle towards the end of March 2005. This was also the time of the Johann Strauss School of Music 30 years Celebration, and of the 33rd. European String Teachers Association (ESTA) International Conference, also at Valletta = Il-First Symposium on Music Education in Malta kien organizzat mill-Għaqda Edukazzjoni Mużikali f’Malta (GĦEMM) bejn it-28 u t-30 ta’ Marzu 2005. Il-papers kollha (ħdax b’kollox) li nqraw bejn it-28 u t-30 ta’ Marzu 2005 ġew stampati fi ktieb li ġie ippubblikat minn Midsea Books Ltd. ta’ 3A, Triq id-Dejqa, Valletta.
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