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V raziskavi smo proučili, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na prostorsko razporeditev evropske srne (Capreolus capreolus L.) v Gorenjskem lovskoupravljavskem območju. Raziskava temelji na vzorcu N = 2.196 georeferenciranih lokacij odvzema N = 42.468 živali in GIS-podatkovnih plasteh 21 okoljskih spremenljivk. Logistična regresija napoveduje, da je primernost prostora za habitat srne pogojena z vrednostmi trinajstih okoljskih spremenljivk: spremenljivke zgradbe prostora (delež kmetijskih površin, delež nedostopnih površin, dolžina javnih cest, dolžina gozdnega roba, ekspozicija), podnebne spremenljivke (količina padavin, količina sončnega sevanja poleti, srednja letna temperatura), spremenljivke zgradbe gozdnih sestojev (delež sestojev v obnovi, delež mladovij, lesna zaloga sestojev, indeks gozdnih združb, dolžina gozdnih cest). Z drugim modelom smo odkrili tudi negativen vpliv oddaljenosti do najbližje gozdne in kmetijske površine. Med kmetijskimi površinami na primernost prostora za habitat srne najbolj vplivata delež travnikov in delež njiv ter vrtov. In our research we studied which factors affect spatial distribution of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Gorenjsko hunting management district. The research is based on the sample of N = 2.196 georeferenced harvest locations of N = 42.468 animals and GIS-data layers of 21 environmental variables. Logistic regression predicts, that the adequacy of the space for roe deer habitat is conditioned by the values of thirteen environmental variables: variables of space structure (share of agricultural land, share of inaccessible areas, length of public roads, length of forest margin, exposition), climatic variables (amount of precipitation, amount of sun exposure in the summer, mean annual temperature), variables of forest stands structure (share of stands in regeneration, share of young forest, growing stock of stands, indicator of forest associations, length of forest roads). With another model we also discovered a negative impact by the distance to the first forest and agricultural area. Among the agricultural areas, the adequacy of the space for roe deer habitat is most affected by the share of meadows and share of fields and gardens. |