Kako nastajajoči vodni kataster vpliva na določanje hidrološke funkcije gozda?

Autor: Kobal, Milan, Pirnat, Janez
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Sedanji sistem funkcij gozdov, ki ga v osnovi prinaša Zakon o gozdovih iz leta 1993, je potreben nadgradnje, saj je funkcij zelo veliko, njihove vsebine pa se pogosto podvajajo. Ob takratnem prvem kartiranju funkcij gozdov se je gozdarstvo opiralo predvsem na svoje lastne prostorske sloje, zdaj pa so na voljo podrobnejše prostorske zbirke tudi drugih uporabnikov prostora. Oboje je nov izziv za prikazovanje in vsebinsko vrednotenje ukrepov za zagotavljanje trajnosti funkcij gozdov ter prilagojenega gospodarjenja z gozdovi. V prispevku smo obravnavali hidrološko funkcijo gozda, deloma zaradi aktualnih razmer v Slovenij in svetu (poplave, suše), deloma pa zato, ker novejši podatki o vodnem katastru bistveno nadgrajujejo bazo podatkov o vodah. Če kot velikost orisa okrog površinskih voda upoštevamo eno drevesno višino, je to 120.688,64 ha gozdov, kjer bi bila po dosedanjih kriterijih lahko poudarjena hidrološka funkcija gozda. Daleč največ takih gozdov je ob vodotokih, sledijo izviri in mokrotne površine. The current system of forest functions, basically introduced by the Forest Act of 1993, needs to be upgraded as there are too many functions and their contents are often duplicated. At the time of the first mapping of forest functions, forestry relied mainly on its own spatial layers, but today more detailed spatial collections of other spatial users are also available. Both represent new challenges for the demonstration and substantive evaluation of measures to ensure the sustainability of forest functions and adapted forest management. In this paper, we highlight the hydrological function of the forest, partly due to the current situation in Slovenia and the world (floods, droughts), and partly because recent data on the water cadastre significantly upgrades the water database. If we consider one tree height as the size of the outline around surface waters, we get 120,688.64 ha of forests, where the hydrological function of the forest could be emphasized according to the current criteria. By far most of these forests are located along watercourses, followed by springs and wetlands.
Databáze: OpenAIRE