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Naklon terena v kombinaciji s fizikalnimi lastnostmi strojev potencialno vpliva na poškodbe tal pri gozdni proizvodnji. V raziskavi smo z analizo globine kolesnic na dveh objektih ter analizo podatkov programa iFOS ugotavljali vpliv naklona vlak in sečnih poti na globino kolesnic. Poleg tega smo proučili medsebojni vpliv naklona in dejavnikov tal, kot so vlažnost tal ter delež humusa in skeleta, na dopustnost sečnje in spravila s sodobnimi tehnologijami z okoljskega vidika. Rezultati kažejo, da globina kolesnic v realnih razmerah narašča z naklonom prometnic, vendar pa ta vpliv ni statistično značilen. Na podlagi rezultatov ocenjujemo, da je z vidika poškodb tal gozdna proizvodnja brez večjih prilagoditev dopustna pri naklonih terena do 15 %. Po drugi strani pa lahko s prilagoditvami stroja, načina ter organizacije dela (npr. dela v ugodnih talnih razmerah, pri nizki vlažnosti tal, večjem deležu skeleta in humusa) gozdna proizvodnja poteka tudi na večjih naklonih terena. Slope of the terrain, combined with the physical characteristics of the machines, has a potential impact on the damage to forest soil during forest operations. In our research, we have determined the impact of the slope of the skid and harvester trail on the depth of the ruts based on measurements on two objects and the data analysis of the iFOS program. In addition, we investigated the mutual impact of slope and soil factors, e.g. soil moisture and humus and skeleton content, on the acceptability of forest operations with modern technologies from an environmental point of view. The results show that under real conditions the depth of the ruts increases with the slope of the trails, but its effect is not statistically significant. Based on the results, we evaluate that from the point of view of soil damage, forest operations are allowed without major adjustments on slopes up to 15%. On the other hand, with adjustments to the machine and to the working method and organization (e.g. work in favorable soil conditions, low humidity, greater skeletal and humus content) forest operations can be carried out even on steeper slopes. |