The history of viticulture in the Vipava valley

Autor: Živković, Marijana
Přispěvatelé: Granda, Stane
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: V pestri in bogati zgodovini slovenskega naroda se je težko opredeliti, kateri kraj najbolj izstopa po svoji avtentičnosti in zanimivosti. Pri vsaki tovrstni primerjavi je Vipavska dolina vedno v prvem planu predvsem zaradi svoje raznovrstnosti in hitre spremenljivosti, ki jo zaznamuje že od zgodnjega antičnega obdobja do sodobnih časov. V tem zanimivem potovanju skozi čas obstaja ena stalnica, nespremenjena, značilna za Vipavsko dolino in njene prebivalce – to je vinogradništvo, gojenje vinske trte, pridelava grozdja in vina. Vinska trta je na Vipavskem prisotna skozi vso zgodovino, ne glede na prebivalstvo, ki je tam ustvarjalo svoj lastni obstoj in prihodnost. Včasih so to bili Rimljani na svojem pohodu ustvarjanja mogočnega imperija, Kelti, Slovani, Habsburžani, Italijani. Dolina pa je že nekaj stoletij neločljiv del slovenskega nacionalnega ozemlja, ki soustvarja zgodovino in prihodnost slovenskega naroda. Vinogradništvo je pomemben segment ekonomskega področja Vipavske doline. Zasnovano je predvsem na izrednih naravnih pogojih, ki prebivalce Vipavske doline že od nekdaj usmerjajo h gojenju vinske trte. Vinska trta je zaradi tega vedno bila eden od pomembnih virov blaginje na Vipavskem. Vinogradništvo, kot vse druge ljudske dejavnosti, pa so pogosto spodbujali in omejevali različni politični in socialni dejavniki, kot so vojne, spremembe meja, spremembe družabne ureditve, preseljevanja ljudstev, bolezni in epidemije. Namen diplomskega dela je sistematičen prikaz zgodovinskega razvoja vinogradništva na Vipavskem od antičnih časov do sodobnih trendov. Predvsem pa je bilo pomembno vinogradništvo umestiti v širši kontekst družbenega in ekonomskega razvoja na slovenskem ozemlju ter v kontekst naravnih pogojev, ki usmerjajo prebivalce Vipavske doline k vinogradništvu in pridelavi vina. In the varied and rich history of the Slovenian nation, it is hard to define, which place stands out the most for its authenticity and attractions. In each such comparison, the Vipava valley is always in the forefront particularly due to its diversity and rapid variability, which marks it since the early ancient period until the modern times. In this interesting journey through time, there is one unchangeable regularity, typical for the Vipava valley and its habitants – viticulture, cultivation of vines, grape production and winemaking. In the Vipava valley, vines have been present throughout history, regardless of the habitants, who were settled there creating their existence and future. These habitants used to be the Roman on their spree of creating a powerful empire, Celts, Slavs, Habsburgs and Italians. But for centuries, the valley is an inseparable part of the Slovenian national territory, which co-creates the history and future of the Slovenian nation. Viticulture is an important segment of the economic sphere of the Vipava valley. It is mostly based on extraordinary natural conditions, which have always directed the habitants of the Vipava valley to cultivate vines. Therefore, vines have always been one of the important sources of prosperity in the Vipava valley. Viticulture, as well as other people’s activities, was often encouraged or limited by different political and social factors like wars, changes of the border, changes of the social regulation, immigration of nations, diseases and epidemics. The purpose of the thesis was to systematically present the historical development of viticulture in the Vipava valley since ancient times until modern trends. But it was particularly important to place viticulture into the wider context of the social and economic development on Slovenian ground and the context of natural conditions, which direct the residents of the Vipava valley towards viticulture and winemaking.
Databáze: OpenAIRE