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The majority of the world’s goods are transported over water and dredging is essential for the development of harbors and ports. Therefore, the management of dredged material is a worldwide issue. Due to its chemical and petrographic, mineralogical and homogeneity composition, marine sediments are an appropriate raw material to use in the brick industry. Marine sediments can serve as raw material for the production of clay blocks, roofing and ceramic tiles. Different analyses were carried out in order to determine if the dredged material from the Port of Koper is environmentally friendly and suitable to use in the brick industry. These analyses included: a chemical analysis, a mineralogical analysis, a particle size analysis and a chloride content (Cl-) analysis, and tests of firing in a gradient furnace. Furthermore, tests of mechanical properties, as well as tests of frost-resistance of the samples were carried out. On the basis of primary analyses and samples prepared in a lab, it was established that marine sediments from the Port of Koper without any additives are only conditionally suitable as a source material for producing brick products. In collaboration with Gorica brickworks (Goriške opekarne), a pilot production from a mixture of 60% component B from Gorica brickworks and 40% component A (marine sediments) from the Port of Koper was prepared. Different tests showed the mixture could be appropriate for brick production. Transport večine trgovskega blaga po svetu poteka po morju in poglabljanje morskega dna je bistvenega pomena za razvoj pristanišč. Ravnanje z izkopanim materialom je zato globalni problem. Morski sediment je zaradi svoje kemijske in mineraloške sestave primerna surovina za uporabo v opekarski industriji. Morski sediment lahko služi kot surovina za proizvodnjo glinenih blokov, strešnikov in keramičnih ploščic. Da bi ugotovili, ali je bagrani material iz Luke Koper okolju prijazen in primeren za uporabo v opekarski industriji, so bili izvedeni različni testi. Ti so obsegali: kemične in mineraloške teste, analizo velikosti delcev in analizo vsebnosti kloridov ter testiranje žganja v gradientni peči. Poleg tega so bile izvedene raziskave mehanskih lastnosti in odpornosti vzorcev proti zmrzali. Na podlagi primarnih analiz in vzorcev, pripravljenih v laboratoriju, je bilo ugotovljeno, da je morski sediment iz Luke Koper brez kakršnihkoli dodatkov le pogojno primerna surovina za proizvodnjo opečnih izdelkov. V sodelovanju z Goriškimi opekarnami je bila pripravljena pilotna proizvodnja vzorcev, narejenih iz mešanice iz 60 % komponente A in 40 % komponente B (luškega mulja). Različni testi so pokazali, da je mešanica primerna za proizvodnjo opečnih izdelkov. |