Načrt in prilagoditev e-platforme za izobraževanje študentov tehniških ved z mobilnimi tehnologijami

Autor: Battistel, Eva
Přispěvatelé: Cestnik, Bojan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Uvedba e-izobraževanja s pomočjo sodobne informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, ki so jo še pospešila aktualna dogajanja v družbi zaradi pandemije covid-19, prinaša univerzam številne prednosti: manjše stroške, hitrejše in učinkovitejše učenje, urjenje spomina in pridobivanje kompetenc z večpredstavnimi pripomočki. Hkrati prinaša tudi nekaj slabosti: pomanjkanje neposrednega stika in dvosmerne komunikacije z udeleženci, negotovost začetne faze testiranja in uvajanja novih metod dela in poučevanja, povečanje potrebnega časa pred zaslonom. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti področje spletnega izobraževanja v sodobni družbi in pokazati njegovo konkretno uporabnost pri izbranem študijskem predmetu. Motivacija za izbiro te tematike izhaja iz osebnega zanimanja za področje, pa tudi iz potrebe po tečaju za hitro in učinkovito izboljšanje osnovnega znanja in kompetenc iz linearne algebre, ki so jo zasledili na ameriški univerzi iz Los Angelesa. Delo je potekalo po fazah: izbira ustrezne platforme za e-izobraževanje za predmetne vsebine, sestava tečaja in priprava vsebin, sestava evalvacijskih anket za merjenje uspešnosti programa in analiza povratne informacije študentov o tečaju. Pri izdelavi učnih vsebin za mobilno spletno aplikacijo v okolju Moodle smo uporabili različne metode, ki pritegnejo pozornost uporabnika pri izvedbi tečaja in izboljšajo komunikacijo študent-učitelj. Razvito aplikacijo e-učenja, ki je preprosto uporabna na pametnih mobilnih napravah, smo testno preizkusili na manjši skupini študentov. Na podlagi analize njihovih odgovorov na anketni vprašalnik smo ugotovili, da so študenti z uporabo aplikacije pomembno izboljšali poznavanje osnov iz linearne algebre in opravili tečaj z visoko motiviranostjo in zadovoljstvom. The introduction of e-learning with the help of modern information and communication technology, further accelerated by current events in society due to the Covid-19 pandemic, brings universities many advantages: lower costs, faster and more efficient learning, memory training and acquisition of competencies with multimedia aids. At the same time, it also brings some disadvantages: lack of direct contact and two-way communication with participants, uncertainty of the initial phase of testing and introduction of new methods of work and teaching, increase of the time required in front of the screen. The purpose of the master's thesis is to present the field of online education in modern society and to show its concrete applicability in the selected study subject. The motivation for choosing this topic stems from a personal interest in the field, as well as from the need for a course to quickly and effectively improve basic knowledge and competencies in linear algebra, which was found at the American University of Los Angeles. The work was divided into several phases: selection of an appropriate e-learning platform for subject content, course composition and content preparation, composition of evaluation surveys to measure program performance and analysis of student feedback on the course. When creating learning content for a mobile web application in the Moodle environment, we used various methods that attract the user's attention during the course and improve student-teacher communication. The developed e-learning application, which is easily usable on smart mobile devices, was tested on a small group of students. Based on the analysis of their responses to the questionnaire, we found that students significantly improved their knowledge of the basics of linear algebra by using the application and completed a course with high motivation and satisfaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE