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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen tehnološki vidik izdelave izdelka z uporabo tehnologije računalniških numerično vodenih (CNC) laserskih naprav, kot primer avtomatsko vodenega orodja, ki se danes pogosto uporablja v proizvodnem procesu. Namen diplomskega dela je opisati tehnologijo CNC in izpeljati projekt izdelave od povpraševanja do odpreme izdelka. Z opisom CNC laserskih strojev smo ugotovili njihov način delovanja, njihove osnovne komponente ter načine vodenja. Za obdelovalni stroj, na katerem je bil izveden projekt izdelave izdelka, smo izbrali laserski rezalnik in nato opisali njegove sestavne dele in zgodovino razvoja ter tipe laserskih rezalnikov. Za konkretni projekt izdelave knjižnega stojala smo opisali vse proizvodne procese, pri katerih uporabljamo stroj za lasersko obdelovanje materiala. V opisu te izvedbe smo prikazali zaporedje in odločitve v postopku proizvodnje. The thesis presents the technological aspect of product manufacturing using Computer-Numerically-Controlled (CNC) laser technology as an example of an automated tool commonly used in the manufacturing process today. The aim of the thesis is to describe the CNC technology and to carry out a manufacturing project from the demand to the shipment of the product. We have identified the mode of operation of CNC laser machines, their basic components and control methods. We selected a laser cutter as the main machine tool on which the product manufacturing project was carried out and then described its components and the history of development and types of laser cutters. We described all the production processes that use the laser machine, for the specific project of making a book stand. In the description of this implementation we show the sequence and decisions in the production process. |