Preventivna vadba za ramenski obroč v treningu rokometa

Autor: Toplak, Ula
Přispěvatelé: Pori, Primož
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Rokomet ima agilen značaj, povezan je z mnogimi nepričakovanimi situacijami, z zunanjimi motnjami med gibanjem in pa tudi s številnimi skrajnimi položaji telesnih segmentov, kar je lahko vzrok za večino poškodb pri rokometu. Obravnavali smo najpogostejše poškodbe v ramenskem obroču pri rokometu, in sicer različne utesnitvene sindrome, nestabilnosti in poškodbe rotatorne manšete. Gleno-humeralni sklep, ki ga v ožjem pomenu imenujemo tudi ramenski sklep, ima zaradi anatomskih značilnosti velik obseg gibanja, zato je možnost za nastanek poškodbe večja. Rokomet v svoji strukturi igre vsebuje veliko gibov rok s komolcem nad glavo, kar povzroča velike mehanske obremenitve na ramenski sklep in na mišice okoli njega. Do poškodb lahko pride zaradi različnih dejavnikov. Najpogosteje pa govorimo o utrujanju mišic, slabši mišični jakosti in nesorazmerjih. Pri rokometaših največkrat pride do poškodbe pri preklopu iz zunanje v notranjo rotacijo ter pri zaviralni fazi meta ali udarca. Da bi zagotovili ustrezno mehaniko gibanja moramo sklepu zagotoviti optimalno razmerje med mobilnostjo in stabilnostjo. V diplomski nalogi smo ob uporabi pojma preventivne vadbe prikazali izbor vaj, s katerimi želimo izboljšati moč, sklepno stabilizacijo in gibljivost. Vaje, ki smo jih izbrali, so prikazane v določenem zaporedju. S tem smo želeli zagotoviti, da je vadba učinkovita, a še vedno varna. Handball has an agile character, is associated with many unexpected situations, with external disturbances during movement and also with many extreme positions of body segments, which can be the cause of most injuries in handball. We discussed about most common injuries of shoulder joint in handball, namely various compression syndromes, instability and damage to the rotary cuff. Gleno-humeral joint, which is also known as the shoulder joint in the strict sense, has an extensive range of movements due to anatomical characteristics, therefore the possibility of injuries is bigger. Handball in its structure of the game contains many hand movements with an elbow above the head, which causes great mechanical strain on the shoulder joint and the muscles around it. Damage can occur due to various factors. Most often we are talking about muscle fatigue, lower muscle strength and disproportions. In the case of handball players, most often there is damage when switching from external to internal rotation and in the inhibitory stage of the target or impact. In order to ensure proper movement mechanics, we must ensure that the optimum relationship between mobility and stability is ensured. In the thesis we presented the use of the concept of preventive exercise, we presented a selection of exercises, with which we want to improve the strength, joint stabilization and flexibility. The exercises we have selected are shown in a specific sequence. With this, we wanted to ensure that the exercise is effective but still safe.
Databáze: OpenAIRE