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Doba trajanja in kvaliteta obratovanja izdelka sta pogojeni z razumevanjem njegovih dinamskih lastnosti. Zaključna naloga obravnava dinamski model 3D tiskalnika proizvajalca Prusa MK3. V uvodu so razložene teoretične osnove mehanskih nihanj podprte z gibalnimi enačbami, delovanje merilnikov pospeška in Fourierjeva analiza. Metodologija prikazuje postopno grajenje numeričnega modela tiskalnika od modela z eno prostostno stopnjo, do končnega sistema s štirimi prostostnimi stopnjami. Vsak izmed modelov je slikovno prikazan in popisan z gibalnimi enačbami. Na koncu poglavja je predstavljen še potek eksperimentalnega dela naloge. Rezultati eksperimenta prikazujejo dinamske lastnosti strukture in sicer lastne frekvence 3D tiskalnika, numerična analiza pa podaja togostne lastnosti posameznih elementov, ki so preračunani tako, da nam podajo eksperimentalno dobljen odziv strukture. Shelf life and operating quality of a product are determined by understanding its dynamic characteristics. This assignment discusses dynamic model of a 3D printer manufactured by Prusa MK3. The introduction explains the basics of mechanical oscillations backed by equations of motion, working principles of accelerometers and Fourier analysis. The methodology section of the assignment shows gradual building of numerical model of the printer from one degree of freedom model, up to final system with four degrees of freedom. Each model is graphically shown and defined by equations of motion. The experimental part of the assignment is presented at the end of the chapter. The experimental results show the dynamic properties of the structure, which are its natural frequencies and numerical analysis gives us the stiffness properties of the elements, that are calculated in the way to return the experimentally acquired natural frequencies. |