Varstvo osebnih podatkov na delovnem mestu

Autor: Kurnik, Suzana
Přispěvatelé: Sever, Tina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Varstvo osebnih podatkov je ena izmed temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin, ki pripada vsem ljudem brez izjeme in je zapisana v 38. členu Ustave Republike Slovenije. V današnjem tehnološko razvitem svetu pa je zelo pomembno, da vemo, kaj osebni podatki sploh so in kaj vse zajemajo, kako z njimi ravnati, jih shranjevati in varovati. Z diplomskim delom želim posameznike seznaniti z našo temeljno človekovo pravico do zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov. Kaj se zgodi, če ti podatki pridejo v neprave roke in se s tem kršijo pravice posameznika, kdo je pristojen za urejanje takšnih zadev in kam se obrnemo po pravno pomoč, ki se nanaša na človekove pravice, ki so nam bile odvzete. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati pomembnost ohranjanja zasebnosti in varovanja osebnih podatkov, tako v zasebnem življenju kot v delovnem razmerju. Diplomsko delo se osredotoči na razmerje med delavcem in delodajalcem ter njune pravice in dolžnosti, saj v praksi velikokrat pride do zlorabe osebnih podatkov v delovnem razmerju oziroma do kršitve Zakona o varstvu podatkov. Nezadostna znanja delavcev so spodbudila k obravnavanju tega področja, saj se neznanje v praksi hitro prikaže kot izkoriščanje delavca v prid delodajalcu, s tem pa posledično pripomore k poseganju v posameznikovo zasebnost. Diplomsko delo temelji na uporabi deskriptivne metode, informacije pa so pridobljene iz strokovne literature, razne literature s spleta in zakonov. V diplomskem delu so prikazani dogodki, ki se pogosto dogajajo v praksi, v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela pa so pravno opredeljeni na podlagi zakonov. S pomočjo analize literature in zakonov sem na čim bolj razumljiv način prikazala pravice delavcev v delovnem razmerju (na primeru tabel z uporabo metod sinteze in dedukcije). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je pri uresničevanju pravic delavca na področju varstva podatkov pomembo, da se v delovnem razmerju tako delavec kot delodajalec zavedata svojih pravic in obveznosti, ki nastanejo v samem delovnem razmerju. Na podlagi zakonodaje je težko točno določiti mejo med tem, kaj je prav in kaj narobe, saj se delovni pogoji različnih delovnih mest med seboj razlikujejo. Meji pravice pa se lahko približamo z znanjem o varstvu samih podatkov, tako da sta delodajalec in delavec seznanjena s svojimi pravicami in je s tem zagotovljena večja varnost posameznika. The protection of personal data is one of the fundamental human rights and freedoms that belongs to all people without exception and is defined by Article 38 of the Slovenian Constitution. In today's technologically advanced world, it is very important to know what personal data is and what they cover, how to handle it, store and protect it. With this thesis I want to acquaint individuals with our fundamental human rights to privacy and protection of personal data. What would happen if data got into the wrong hands and consequently thus violates the rights of the individual, who is responsible for data regulating, where do we find legal assistance, how do we resolve certain matters relating to the human rights that have been taken away from us. The purpose of this thesis is to show the importance of maintaining privacy and protection of personal data in private life and employment. Above all, to show the relationship between the employee and the employer, their rights and duties, as in practice in the employment relationship personal data is often misused and it comes to violation of the Law on Data Protection Act. Lack of workers’ knowledge has encouraged exploring of this topic, as lack of workers’ knowledge in practice quickly manifests itself as the exploitation of the worker for the employer benefit and consequently contributes to the invasion of individual's privacy. Every employee must be aware of his/her rights and duties in the employment relationship. The thesis is based on a descriptive method, and it is based on professional literature, online literature and laws. Through this thesis are shown events that often happen in practice and are legally defined based on laws. With the analysis of literature and laws, I presented the rights of employees in an employment relationship in the most understandable way (in the case of tables by using the methods of synthesis and deduction). It was established that in exercising rights of the employee in the field of data protection, it is important that the employee and the employer are aware of their rights and obligations arising in the employment relationship. Based on the law, it is difficult to show the exact boundary between what is right and what is wrong, because different jobs have various conditions. With knowledge of data protection itself, we can get closer to the limits of what is right, and nonetheless, the employer and employee must be aware of their rights which will ensure greater individual security
Databáze: OpenAIRE