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V magistrski nalogi je predstavljena izdelava dinamične karte Mengeš, katere namen je predvsem kartografska predstava poselitve in širjenja naselja v različnih časovnih obdobjih s pomočjo animacije. Karta s svojo dinamiko širši javnosti na preprost način predstavi proces širjenja poselitve in načrtovanja prostora v naselju. V prvem delu naloge sta opisana pomen in vloga kart v prostorskem načrtovanju. V nadaljevanju so v teoretičnem delu predstavljeni različni tipi kartografskih animacij in primeri njihove uporabe. V praktičnem delu smo opisali zgodovino naselja, določili območje, merilo in vsebino prikaza na karti ter predstavili vizijo prostorskega načrtovanja, kot jo predvideva Občinski prostorski načrt (OPN) občine Mengeš. Opisan je postopek pridobivanja virov in izdelave šestih kart, ki prikazujejo naselje v različnih časovnih obdobjih. Izdelane karte smo s pomočjo ustrezne programske opreme povezali v animacijo, katere potek izdelave je opisan v zadnjem delu naloge. In the following thesis we will introduce the creation of a dynamic map of the town of Mengeš. The aim of this map is to show an animated cartographic visual presentation of the town s population and the settlement enlargement throughout different time eras. The map with its dynamic qualities is a simple way to introduce the spreading of a population as well as spatial planning within a settlement. In the first part of the thesis the meaning and role of maps in spatial planning is described. In the theoretical section of the thesis, various types of cartographic animations and their applications are presented. In the section dealing with practical implications we have focused on the history of the settlement as well as defining the area, scale and the display of content on the above mentioned map. Further on we have presented the vision of spatial planning as described in the Municipal Spatial Plan (Občinski prostorski načrt - OPN) for the municipality of Mengeš. A detailed description of the acquisition of sources and the making of six maps showing the settlement in various time eras is presented there. With the help of suitable programming software we were able to link these maps together into an animation, the making of which is described in the final part of this paper. |