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Med rokopisnim gradivom, ki ga hrani župnijski arhiv na Breznici, se je ohranil zvezek formata 19 x 12 cm, na čigar platnicah je trivrstični zapis naslova, datacije in soavtorice pesni{ke zbirke v bohoričici: Pesmiska hraniza 1829 Elisabeta Triplat. Grafološka analiza, narejena na podlagi izvirnika in primerjav sočasnih vpisov v krstno knjigo, je pokazala, da je med pesmimi štirih različnih rok tretja skupina pesmi izpod peresa Matevža Ravnikarja, prva in četrta pa je verjetno delo neznanih duhovnikov. Drugo skupino pesmi je verjetno napisala doslej neznana pesnica Elizabeta Triplat. Pesmi se večinoma nanašajo na svetopisemske osebe in vsebino, obravnavajo pa teološke tematike odrešenja, odpuščanja in milosti. Pesmi s svetniško tematiko spodbujajo bralca k posnemanju njihovih kreposti. Pesmi so služile utrjevanju "janzenistično" umerjene pobožnosti, saj v njih ni čutiti baročnega čustvovanja ali nekritičnega povzemanja svetniških legend. The manuscripts kept in the parish archives in Breznica include a 19 x 12 cm notebook, the cover of which bears the three-line title, the date and the name of the co-author of the poetry collection in the Bohorič alphabet: Pesmiska hraniza 1829 Elisabeta Triplat. A graphological analysis, based upon comparisons of the original manuscript and the contemporary entries in the register of baptisms, revealed that among the four groups of poems in the manuscript, the third group should be attributed to Matevž Ravnikar - Poženčan, while the first and the fourth group were created by unknown priests. The second group of poems was probably penned by Elizabeta Triplat - a hitherto unknown Slovene poet. The poems refer to Biblical characters and content, they deal with the theological themes of redemption, remission, and grace. Poems discussing saints encourage the reader to replicate their virtues. They were used to strengthen "Jansenism"-oriented devotion since the poems do not contain any euphoric emotions or uncritical legends revolving around the lives of saints. |