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Diplomska naloga skuša osvetliti razmerja med Freudovimi mehanizmi nezavednega, kot sta premestitev in zgostitev, ter retoričnimi figurami, zlasti kot so bila ta konceptualizirana v Jakobsonovih in Lacanovih teoretskih pristopih. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljena podrobna analiza in primerjava Freudovih, Jakobsonovih in Lacanovih konceptov, ki pokaže, da preprosto povezovanje Freudovih mehanizmov nezavednega z retoričnimi figurami, kot sta metafora in metonimija, ni ustrezno. Za Freudovo premestitev je pokazano, da ustreza tako premikom na sintagmatski kot na paradigmatski osi, ob zgostitvi pa je treba upoštevati tudi njeno inverzijo - za katero je pokazano, da je analogna Jakobsonovi poetski funkciji. Mehanizme nezavednega je tako možno pojmovati kot "retorične operacije", kot so bile konceptualizirane v teoriji retoričnih figur Groupe [mi], torej kot elementarne operacije, ki delujejo na različnih jezikovnih nivojih. V drugem delu naloge tako zastavljeno analizo mehanizmov nezavednega nadaljuje in dopolnjuje predstavitev in analiza Freudove klasifikacije tehnik vica iz dela Vic in njegov odnos do nezavednega. The thesis aims to elucidate the relations between Freud's mechanisms of the unconscious, such as displacement and condensation, and rhetorical figures, especially as conceptualized in Jakobson and Lacan's theoretical approaches. The first part of the thesis presents a detailed analysis and comparison of Freud, Jakobson and Lacan's concepts, which demonstrates the inappropriateness of simple analogies between Freud's mechanisms of the unconscious and rhetorical figures, such as metaphor and metonymy. Freudian displacement is shown as corresponding to shifts in the syntagmatic as well as paradigmatic axis, while the concept of condensation also necessitates the discussion of its inversion - which is shown to be analogous to Jakobson's poetic function. The mechanisms of the unconscious can therefore be regarded as "rhetorical operations" as conceptualized in Groupe [mi]'s theory of rhetorical figures, that is as elementary operations, which operate at different linguistic levels. Thus conceived analysis is further developed and complemented in the second part of the thesis by the presentation and analysis of Freud's classification of joke techniques as presented in Jokes and their relationship to the unconscious. |