Social work during the COVID-19 pandemic

Autor: Celestina Jeraj, Valentina
Přispěvatelé: Mešl, Nina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: V teoretičnem uvodu magistrskega dela predstavim pojem izredne razmere, nadaljujem z opisom naravnih in drugih nesreč na območju Slovenije in predstavim, kdaj so bile v preteklosti v Sloveniji že razglašene izredne razmere. V osrednjem delu teoretičnega uvoda pišem o socialnem delu v izrednih razmerah. V tem poglavju se dotaknem temeljnih izhodišč socialnega dela v času izrednih razmer ter teorij in metod socialnega dela, ki se uporabljajo v času izrednih razmer. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega uvoda opišem okoliščine pandemije COVID-19 in kratko poglavje namenim tudi socialnem delu v času pandemije COVID-19. Magistrsko delo je nastalo v okviru sodelovanja v raziskavi Socialno delo v času COVID-19, ki se je izvajala na Fakulteti za socialno delo. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela predstavim ugotovitve kvalitativne raziskave. V raziskavi me je zanimalo, kako je potekalo delo na centrih za socialno delo, kako so se organizirali in kako so strokovni delavci vzpostavljali stik z uporabniki. Intervjuji so bili izvedeni v 16 območnih regijskih centrih za socialno delo, ki so nastali po reorganizaciji. Ugotovila sem, da so centri za socialno delo različno opravljali socialno delo in bili različno dostopni. Dostopnost in delovanje se razlikujeta tudi glede na prvi in drugi val epidemije. Stik z uporabniki so strokovni delavci vzpostavljali na različne načine, najpogosteje s telefonskim pogovorom ali s pomočjo uporabe IKT. The theoretical introduction to the Master's Thesis presents the concept of an emergency, continues with the description of natural and other disasters in Slovenia and defines the time when emergencies were already declared in Slovenia in the past. The central part of the theoretical introduction focuses on social work in emergencies. This chapter touches on the basic principles of social work during emergencies as well as theories and methods of social work applied during emergencies. The last part of the theoretical introduction describes the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, and a short chapter is dedicated to social work during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Master's Thesis resulted from the participation in the Social Work during Covid-19 research, which was carried out at the Faculty of social work. The empirical part of the Thesis presents the findings of the qualitative research which deals with how the work at social work centres was carried out, how professional workers organised themselves and how they established contact with users. Interviews were conducted in 16 areal regions of social work centres that emerged after reorganisation. It was established that the manner of performing social work and availability of individual social work centres differed. Availability and performance also varied according to the first and second waves of the epidemic. Professional workers established contacts with users in various ways, most frequently via a telephone conversation or the use of ICT.
Databáze: OpenAIRE