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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti in opredeliti življenjski slog žensk, ki imajo težave s plodnostjo. Neplodnost je danes bolezen, s katero se srečuje vse več žensk in je v določeni meri tudi posledica slabega življenjskega sloga posameznice. Ker je diplomsko delo monografskega tipa, smo vanj vključili pregled raziskav in literature na temo življenjskega sloga in neplodnosti. Ob pregledu literature smo največ pozornosti namenili ugotavljanju vzrokov za zmanjšane možnosti za zanositev, opredelili smo življenjski slog žensk, ki imajo težave z neplodnostjo, in pa poskušali pridobiti podatke o vplivu telesne dejavnosti na uspešnost zanositve. Opredelili smo tudi količino in obliko telesne dejavnosti, ki bi izboljšala indeks telesne mase posameznice in posledično izboljšala njeno zdravje. Ugotavljali smo tudi, kateri dejavniki najbolj škodujejo posameznici in po rezultatih raziskav razbrali, da so to kajenje, stres, previsoka telesna teža, pitje alkohola in prekomerno uživanje kofeina. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da telesna vadba ne vpliva neposredno na izboljšanje plodnosti, vendar pa redna in dovolj intenzivna telesna vadba znižuje odstotek telesne maščobe, tako vpliva na spolne hormone in na inzulinsko rezistenco, kar pa vpliva tudi na delovanje jajčnikov. Za ženske, ki se trudijo zanositi, je priporočeno, da zmanjšajo število negativnih dejavnikov v svojem življenju in živijo čim bolj zdravo. S tem skrbijo za optimalno delovanje svojega organizma in se zavarujejo pred mnogimi boleznimi. The purpose of this thesis is to present and define the lifestyle of women with fertility problems. Infertility is a disease that is more and more common among women and is to a certain extent a consequence of a poor individual's lifestyle. Since this thesis is a monographic type, it includes the review of the literature and researches on the lifestyle and infertility. When examining the literature, the main focus was on determining the causes of reduced possibilities for conception. We also defined the lifestyle of women with infertility problems and attempted to obtain data on the impact of physical activity on the success of conception. Additionally, we defined the amount and form of physical activity that would improve the body's mass index and consequently improve health. We also found out which factors are the most harmful to an individual. According to the results of the research, those factors are smoking, stress, overweight, drinking alcohol and excessive consumption of caffeine. It has been found that exercise does not directly affect fertility however regular and sufficiently intense exercise reduces the percentage of the body fat, thus affecting sex hormones and insulin resistance, which also further affect the functioning of the ovaries. For women who are trying to get pregnant, it is recommended to reduce the number of negative factors in their lives and live as healthy as possible. This ensures optimal functioning of their body and protects them against many diseases. |