Vpliv pospešil vezanja in lahkega polnila na lastnosti apnenih injekcijskih mešanic

Autor: Kovač, Dora
Přispěvatelé: Bokan-Bosiljkov, Violeta
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: V sklopu diplomskega dela sem ugotavljala vpliv različnih dodatkov na lastnosti apnenih injekcijskih mešanic za restavriranje arhitekturnih površin objektov kulturne dediščine. Veliki del naloge je bil praktičnega tipa in je potekal v laboratoriju Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani. V laboratoriju smo oblikovali mešanice na osnovi hidratiziranega apna in kalcitne moke z dodatki superplastifikatorja, amonijevega karbamata, tufa (naravnega pucolana) in ultralahkih polnil. S pomočjo standardiziranih metod smo na svežih vzorcih določali: prostorninsko maso sveže mešanice, pretočnost, izločanje vode in vodozadržnost. Na strjenih vzorcih smo naredili standardizirane preiskave upogibne in tlačne trdnosti ter nestandardizirano preiskavo krčenja. Na podlagi opravljenih predhodnih preiskav smo izbrali najboljše mešanice, za katere smo določali tudi sposobnost injektiranja. V prvem delu naloge sem predstavila problematiko odstopanja ometov od površine na objektih kulturne dediščine, izvedbo laboratorijskih preiskav in kriterije, ki jih je potrebno izpolniti pri zasnovi injekcijskih mešanic. Drugi del naloge je namenjen analiziranju rezultatov opravljenih preiskav in primerjavi le teh med seboj. The aim of my thesis was to determine the effect of different admixtures on the performance characteristics of lime-based injection grouts for restoration of architectural surfaces. A large part of my thesis was practically orientated and was carried out in the laboratory of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of University of Ljubljana. In the laboratory we developed lime-based injection grouts with additives like superplasticizer, ammonium carbamate, tuff (natural pozzolan) and lightweight aggregate filler. By standardized test methods we first determined properties of grouts in fresh state: wet density, flow value, expansion and bleeding, water retention and water release. On samples in hardened state standardized tests to determine flexural and compressive strength were carried out, along with non-standardized test of shrinkage. Once the results of preliminary tests had been obtained, we choose the best grouts for the test of injectability. In the first part of my thesis I presented the problems of degradation and delamination of architectural surfaces of cultural heritage buildings, description of laboratory tests and criteria that have to be fulfilled in the process of design of lime-based injection grouts. The second part is focused on analysis of test results and their comparison.
Databáze: OpenAIRE