Biotehnološko žlahtnjenje ajde (Fagopyrum spp.)

Autor: Fabjan, Primož
Přispěvatelé: Luthar, Zlata
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Ajda (Fagopyrum spp.) je dvokaličnica, ki je zaradi načina pridelave, predelave in uporabe uvrščena med žita. Gospodarsko pomembni sta predvsem dve vrsti, navadna ajda (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in tatarska ajda (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.). Zaradi nizkih pridelkov in nepoznavanja ajda ni svetovno pomembna poljščina. V zadnjih letih zanimanje zanjo narašča, saj ima mnogo pozitivnih učinkov na zdravje ter je zelo trpežna, prilagodljiva in nezahtevna rastlina. Klasično žlahtnjenje pri ajdi je časovno zamudno, njegov uspeh pa otežujejo predvsem močno razvit samoinkompatibilnostni mehanizem pri navadni ajdi ter visoka stopnja heterozigotnosti, zato je v žlahtnjenju ajde vse več zanimanja za uporabo sodobnih biotehnoloških metod. Rastlinske tkivne kulture so ene izmed pomembnih metod v sodobnem žlatnjenju. Pri ajdi so poročali o uspešni in vitro regeneraciji iz različnih izsečkov (iz kotiledonov, hipokotilov, meristemov, nezrelih cvetov, prašnic …), vendar je frekvenca regeneracije nizka in močno odvisna od genotipa, zato bo treba razviti hitre in enostavne postopke, ki bodo omogočali visoko stopnjo regeneracije in dajali ponovljive rezultate. S pomočjo reševanja nezrelih embrijev se da uspešno pridobivati medvrstne križance. Postopki za pridobivanje haploidov pri ajdi niso optimizirani, bi pa z njihovo pomočjo lahko pridobili hibridne sorte navadne ajde. Tako kot metode tkivnih kultur je treba optimizirati tudi tehnike genskih transformacij, da bodo uporabne v proučevanju funkcij genov in pridobivanju transgenih rastlin. Pri ajdi so bili razviti različni markerski sistemi (RAPD, AFLP in SSR), s katerimi so bile izdelane genske karte, mapiranih je bilo tudi nekaj agronomsko pomembnih genov in QTL. Največji potencial predstavljajo tehnike sekvenciranja NGS, ki bodo pospešile identifikacijo agronomsko pomembnih genov in razvoj uporabnih markerskih sistemov, kar bo omogočilo požlahtnitev sort z večjimi pridelki, še boljšo prehrambeno vrednostjo in večjo toleranco na abiotske strese. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) is a dicotyledonous plant which is classified as a cereal due to the method of production, processing and use. There are two economically important species, common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.). Mainly due to low yields buckwheat is not a globally important crop. Interest in it has been growing in recent years as it has many positive effects on human health and it is a very durable, adaptable and undemanding plant. Classical breeding in buckwheat is time-consuming, and its success is hampered mainly by the highly developed self-incompatibility mechanism in common buckwheat and the high degree of heterozygosity. Therefore, there is a growing interest in the use of modern biotechnological methods in buckwheat breeding. Plant tissue cultures are one of the important methods in modern breeding. In buckwheat, successful in vitro regeneration has been reported from various explants (cotyledons, hypocotyls, meristems, immature inflorescence, anthers). However, the frequency of regeneration is poor and strongly influenced by genotype. Therefore it will be necessary to develop quick and easy procedures with high regeneration rate and reproducibility. Interspecific hybrids can be successfully obtained by rescuing immature embryos. Haploids would enable breeding of hybrids, but procedures for obtaining haploids in buckwheat are not optimized. Such as tissue culture methods, genetic transformation techniques need to be optimized to be useful in studying the functions of genes and obtaining transgenic plants. In buckwheat, various marker systems (RAPD, AFLP, and SSR) were developed to generate gene maps and few agronomically important genes and QTLs were mapped. The greatest potential is represented by NGS sequencing techniques which will accelerate the identification of agronomically important genes and the development of useful marker systems that will enable the breeding of varieties with higher yields, even better nutritional value and greater tolerance to abiotic stress.
Databáze: OpenAIRE