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V diplomskem delu s pomočjo interpretacije 2001: Vesoljska odiseja in Deleuzove disertacije Razlika in ponavljanje, predstavim trofazno genetično strukturo, po kateri se formira organizem v substancialnem in metaforičnem smislu, ki je inspirativna za razvoj arhitektonike lastne slikarske prakse. Prvo fazo razdelim na dve poglavji. V prvem poglavju razlagam gibanja eksternosti, v drugem idejo nadaljujem s prizadevanjem za razlago pojava misleče substance. Tretje in četrto poglavje predstavljata drugo fazo, ki govori o sinhroniji gibanj ter uvaja objekt kot posrednika do tega gibanja. Peto in zadnje poglavje govori o prečenju strukture in preobrazbi, ki tri faze zaokroži v mitični kalup. V zaključku nagovarjam problem procesa dela in končevanja del. Interpreting 2001: A space odyssey with the help of Deleuze's dissertation, Difference and repetition, I aim to present a triadic genetic structure, that uncovers the process of substantial and metaphorical formation of the organism, which was inspiring for the development of my painting process. The first phase is divided into two chapters. In the first chapter I explain the external movements of matter, continuing the idea in the second chapter, in which I aim to uncover the thinking, or the interiority of the substance. Third and fourth chapter together represent the second phase, which explains the synchrony of the movements and introduction of the object as a mediator toward that movement. The fifth and final chapter explains the crossing-structure mechanism and a transformation or metamorphosis, which rounds up the three phases in a mythical model. In conclusion I address the issue of labour as a process and the problem of ending the labour. |