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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen sistem daljinskega upravljanja krmilnika razsvetljave s protokolom DMX preko brezžičnega omrežja. V sistemu se s pomočjo platforme WeMos krmili diode RGB LED. Na začetku so predstavljeni protokoli, ki se uporabljajo za krmiljenje razsvetljave, njihova primerjava ter podroben opis protokola DMX. V naslednjem poglavju je opisana arhitektura sistema, v kateri so opisani tudi pomembni ukazi programske kode, brezžična komunikacija in povezava vseh komponent sistema. Nato je razloženo delovanje izdelanega sistema, ki je opisano po postopkih programske kode, in tudi prikazano na primeru praktične izvedbe, ki mu sledijo napisani rezultati testiranj sistema in optimizacija. The diploma thesis presents remotely managed DMX lighting controller using wireless network. With the help of WeMos platform, it enables the system to control RGB LEDs. The beginning of the thesis presents protocols that are used in stage lighting, compares them and gives a detailed description of the DMX protocol. The following chapter describes the architecture of the system, which includes descriptions of important parts of source code, wireless communication and connection between all components of the system. Next it presents the functioning of the final product and describes it through steps of source code. Functioning is also shown on a practical example and at the end it is followed by results of tests and optimisation of the system. |