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V diplomskem delu sem oblikoval vizualno identiteto Belokranjskega muzeja Metlika. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskal pojem vizualne identitete in zgodovino njenega nastanka, raziskal in predstavil strukturo dinamične vizualne identitete, okoliščine in tehnologije, ki so vplivale na njen nastanek, in njen vpliv na naslovnika sporočila. Analitični del sestavljajo primeri dobrih praks oblikovanja za kulturne institucije, pri čemer sem predstavil vizualne identitete glasbenega centra Casa de Musica, muzeja sodobne umetnosti MoMA in filmskega inštituta Cinémathèque française. Sledi predstavitev Belokranjskega muzeja Metlika, njegove vsebine in poslanstva ter analiza njegove obstoječe vizualne identitete. V praktičnem delu sem oblikoval vizualno identiteto Belokranjskega muzeja Metlika. Predstavil sem osnovne gradnike vizualne identitete, konstrukcijo, pravila za načrtovanje in uporabo dinamičnega logotipa ter digitalne in tiskane aplikacije. For my thesis, I designed a visual identity of the Bela krajina Museum Metlika. In the theoretical part, I researched the concept of a visual identity, history of its creation, I presented the structure of a dynamic visual identity, the circumstances and technology that influenced its creation and its impact on the recipient of the message. In the analytical part of the thesis I researched some of the best practices of designing for cultural institutions. I presented the visual identities of the musical center Casa de Musica, the museum of contemporary art MoMA and the film institute Cinémathèque française. This is followed by a presentation of the Bela krajina Museum Metlika, its contents and mission, as well as an analysis of its existing visual identity. In the practical part, I designed the visual identity of the Bela krajina Museum Metlika. I presented the building blocks of the visual identity, construction, rules for designing and usage of the dynamic logo, as well as some digital and printed applications. |