The First Brigade of the VDV

Autor: Šenica Pavletič, Gašper
Přispěvatelé: Repe, Božo
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Diplomska naloga obravnava razvoj in delovanje 1. brigade VDV kot enote za boj proti peti koloni v času druge svetovne vojne na Slovenskem, bolj natančno njenega 1. bataljona. Predstavlja njen začetek kot 1. bataljona VOS OF, sledimo njeni širitvi in razvoju ter nadgradnji v času druge svetovne vojne, vse do 9. maja 1945. Kot varnostno-obveščevalna služba je bila nepogrešljiv sestavni del boja proti okupatorju in notranjemu sovražniku ter je s svojim delovanjem veliko pripomogla k zmagi. V diplomski nalogi so že znana dejstva iz literature nadgrajena z novimi spoznanji. V ozir so namreč vzete opombe, zapisane na kopijah originalnih dokumentov, ki se sicer hranijo v Arhivu Republike Slovenije. K razumevanju delovanja 1. brigade VDV, v kontekstu razmer in časa delovanja, so pripomogli tudi osebni razgovori avtorja z nekdanjimi borci. This thesis deals with the development and the activities of the First Brigade of the VDV, which was established to fight the fifth column activities in Slovenia during the Second World War. A particular emphasis has been given to its First Battalion. We analysed its establishment under the name of the 1st Battalion of the VOS OF (Security Intelligence Service of the Liberation Front), its spread, development and upgrading until the 9th May 1945. As a Security Intelligence Service, this unit played a vital role in the fight against the occupying forces as well as against the internal enemies, and contributed greatly to their defeat. The literature review is complemented by some new findings. The latter are based on the study of footnotes written on the copies of the original documents, which we accessed at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. Interviews with former combatants allowed us to better understand the functioning of the First Brigade of the VDV in the contextual framework, and in the reference time period.
Databáze: OpenAIRE