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Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati tiskovno formo za slepi tisk, s pomočjo katere bi lahko na papirju ustvarili reliefni odtis poljubne grafike. Na ta način bi lahko oplemenitili tiskovine in jim dodali poseben pečat. Glavni cilj je bil ustvariti oster slepi odtis na papir. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili 3D-tisk in se podrobneje osredotočili na opis stereolitografije, ki smo jo uporabili v praktičnem delu. Nadaljevali smo z opisom slepega tiska s poudarkom na tiskovni formi, zajeli pa smo tudi priporočila za izbiro papirja. Pregledali smo dosedanje raziskave na področju izdelave tiskovnih form za slepi tisk s tehnologijami 3D-tiska. V eksperimentalnem delu smo predstavili metode modeliranja tiskovne forme, ki so potekale v programu Blender. Nato smo predstavili uporabljeni 3D-tiskalnik Form 2 in fotopolimerni material grey resin skupaj s pripravo na tisk. Predstavili smo tudi naknadno obdelavo natisnjenih form, s katerih je treba očistiti neutrjeni fotopolimer, prav tako jih moramo naknadno dovolj obsevati z ultravijoličasto svetlobo. Natisnjene forme smo nato primerjali z njenim digitalnim modelom in preverili natančnost tiskanja s pomočjo kljunastega merila in slikovne analize. Slepega tiska na papir smo se lotili s tremi orodji oziroma napravami in ugotovili, da metoda s pridržalom rezalnika najbolj ustreza našim zahtevam, ki so bile zagotavljanje skladja s pomočjo naslonk in enakomeren ter konstanten tiskovni tlak. Izbrani papir je vseboval 50 % bombažnih vlaken in je skozi celotno testiranje ostal konstanten. Na koncu smo pri izdelanih reliefnih odtisih ovrednotili kakovost s pomočjo kljunastega merila in s slikovno analizo. Ugotovili smo, da morajo biti podporne strukture pri 3D-tisku dovolj močne, da ne pride do popačenja. Prav tako prazen prostor med patrico in matrico vpliva na ostrino slepega odtisa, višina reliefa matrice pa mora biti manjša od patrice, saj s tem vpliva na višino reliefa slepega odtisa. Rezultat diplomskega dela je dokaj oster slepi odtis na papirju, kar pomeni, da lahko s 3D-tiskom v primeru manjših naklad nadomestimo klasične izdelave tiskovnih form za slepi tisk. The purpose of diploma thesis is to create a 3D-printed embossing die for blind embossing. We could create a relief emboss of a desired graphic with the die. This way we can refine a printed product and give it a special appearance. The main goal is to create a sharp blind emboss on a paper. In the theoretical part we open a chapter of 3D-printing. We focused on specifying stereolithography and its working operation that we used in the experimental part. Then we focused on describing blind embossing and its dies. We also pointed out recommendations for choosing the right paper. Finally, we looked over some of the present researches in this field. In the experimental part we defined the methods used for 3D-modeling in program called Blender. We then introduced 3D-printer Form 2 and photopolymer Grey resin along with 3D-print preparation. This was followed by describing the finishing of printed dies, where we must clean the unfortified photopolymer off the die and cure it with ultraviolet light. Afterwards we compared the printed dies with their digital model and evaluated precision of printing with the help of vernier caliper and photo analysis. We carried out blind embossing by three tools or devices. Then we uncovered that the method with the holder of a paper cutting machine was the most successful with our demands, which were that the register is precise and the printing pressure is even and consistent. The paper used had 50% of cotton fibers and stayed consistent. Lastly, we evaluated the blind embosses with the help of vernier caliper and photo analysis. In the research we realized that the support structures in 3D-printing must be strong to prevent deformation. Furthermore, the empty space between male and female die effects the sharpness of the emboss. Also, the male’s die relief height must be greater than the female’s, since it effects the desired end emboss relief height. The result of the research was a sharp emboss on paper. This supports the fact that we can substitute a classic production of an embossing die with 3D-printed one for low printing runs. |