Primerjava implementacijskih pristopov omrežij 5G

Přispěvatelé: Kos, Andrej
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Razvoj mobilnih omrežij je povzročil revolucijo v komunikaciji. Vse, kar je bilo nepredstavljivo, je postalo resničnost. Največje spremembe v tehnološkem svetu pa je prineslo novo 5G omrežje. To je razlog, zaradi katerega sem se odločila v diplomskem delu obravnavati to tematiko. To diplomsko delo opisuje zgodovino razvoja mobilnih omrežij, osnovne karakteristike 5G omrežja in - kar je najbolj pomembno - del, v katerem je največji fokus na primerjavi različnih arhitektur omrežja. V prvem delu diplomskega dela sem opisala zgodovinski razvoj od samega začetka mobilnih omrežij do 4G omrežja. Potem sem posebno poglavje posvetila omrežju 5G in njegovim glavnim značilnostim, kot so hitrost, kapaciteta, osnove arhitekture ter omrežno rezanje. V tretjem delu je predstavljeno 5G omrežje, kjer je poudarek na arhitekturi. V četrtem delu poskusila sem narediti primerjavo samostojnega in nesamostojnega omrežja ter opisati njune prednosti in slabosti. To sem naredila tudi za javno in zasebno omrežje. Peto poglavje sem posvetila najpogostejšim primerom uporabe 5G omrežja in kaj to omrežje s svojim razvojem omogoča v določenih sferah, kot so zdravstvo, industrija, kmetijstvo, vojska in druge. V zaključku dela sem podala ugotovitve o celotni raziskavi in izrazila mnenje o tem, katera izmed možnosti je najboljša za uporabnika. The development of mobile networks revolutionized communication. Everything that was unimaginable became reality. But what brought the biggest changes in the technological world was the new 5G network. This was the reason why I decided on this topic. This thesis describes the history of the development of mobile networks, the basic characteristics of 5G and what is most important and the part on which the biggest focus is the comparison of different network architectures. In the first part of the thesis, I described the historical development from the very beginning of mobile networks to the 4G network. Then I devoted a special chapter to the 5G network and its main characteristics such as speeds, capacity, architecture basics and network slicing. In the third part, the 5G network is presented, where the emphasis was on the architecture. In the fourth part, I tried to compare Standalone and Non-Standalone networks and describe their advantages and disadvantages. I also did the same process for the public and private network. In the fifth chapter, I gave the most common use cases of the 5G network and what this network enables with its development in certain spheres such as healthcare, industry, agriculture, the military... At the end of the work, I tried to bring conclusions about the entire research, and express an opinion about which option is the best for the user.
Databáze: OpenAIRE