Sprejemljivost posameznih ukrepov energijske prenove večstanovanjske stavbe med stanovalci
Autor: | Glasnović, Tina |
Přispěvatelé: | Kokalj, Jure |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: |
letna potrebna toplota za ogrevanje savings udc:620.9:699.86(043.2) energijski ukrepi acceptability of measures energy measures B-GR GR prenova graduation thesis renovation annual energy need for heating diplomske naloge toplotna prehodnost thermal conductivity sprejemljivost ukrepov gradbeništvo civil engineering prihranek |
Popis: | V diplomski nalogi sem se posvetila energijskim prenovam večstanovanjskih stavb, ki so zadnja leta v ospredju. Zasnovala sem splošno večstanovanjsko stavbo s povprečnimi parametri in zanjo izračunala rabo energije v obstoječem stanju. Glede prenov sem se usmerila v toplotni ovoj stavbe, ki se najpogosteje tudi izvaja v praksi. S pomočjo programskega orodja za izračun energijske bilance stavbe sem analizirala stavbo v izhodiščnem stanju ter po izvedbi ukrepa toplotne izolacije fasade, menjavi stavbnega pohištva, izolaciji podstrešja in po celotni prenovi, ki zajema vse tri prej naštete energijske ukrepe. Dobljene vrednosti analize so bile izhodiščni podatek za anketni vprašalnik, s katero sem stanovalce večstanovanjske stavbe povprašala kako sprejemljivi se jim zdijo posamezni ukrepi. V anketi sem za posamezen ukrep predstavila tudi začetne investicije na stanovanje povprečne velikosti (55 m2), prihranek letne energije potrebne za ogrevanje na stanovanje in povračilo investicije glede na najpogosteje uporabljene energente v večstanovanjskih stavbah (kurilno olje, zemeljski plin in daljinska toplota). Pri vsakem ukrepu energijske prenove so bili navedeni tudi približen čas dela, jakost hrupa in posebnosti ukrepa. Rezultati so pokazali, da so v glavnem energijski ukrepi sprejemljivi tako med lastniki kot najemniki in sicer je najpomembnejši vzrok za sprejemljivost znižanje stroškov ogrevanja. Najpogostejši vzrok za nesprejemljivost pri vsakem ukrepu pa je bila višina začetne investicije. Iz rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da pridobivanje soglasij za prenovo večstanovanjske stavbe za katero je potrebno 75-odstotno soglasje lastnikov ni problematično, temveč je smiselno načrtno predstavljati energijske prenove stavb ter oglaševati in spodbujati k možnosti izkoristka nepovratnih finančnih sredstev. In my dissertation, I focused on energy renovations of multi-apartment buildings, a topic which has been at the forefront in recent years. I have designed a general multi-apartment building with average parameters and calculated the energy use in the existing state. Regarding renovations, I focused on the thermal envelope of the building, which is most often carried out in practice. With the help of the software tool for calculating the energy balance of the building, I analysed the building in its initial state and after the implementation of thermal insulation of the facade, replacement of windows and doors, attic insulation and the entire renovation, which includes all three energy measures. The obtained values of the analysis were the starting point for the survey questionnaire, with which I asked the residents of a multi-apartment building how acceptable individual measures are to them. In the survey, I also presented initial investments per apartment of average size (55 m2), annual energy savings needed for heating per apartment and return on investment according to the most commonly used energy sources in multi-apartment buildings (heating oil, natural gas and district heating). For each energy renovation measure, the approximate working time, noise level and possible specifics of the measure were also stated. The results showed that energy measures are generally acceptable among both owners and tenants, with the most important reason for acceptance being the reduction in heating costs. The most common reason for the inadmissibility of any measure, however, was the amount of the initial investment. From the results, I can conclude that obtaining approvals for the renovation of a multi-apartment building that requires 75% consent of the owners is not problematic, but it makes sense to systematically present energy renovations, advertise and encourage the possibility of using grants. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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