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Elektronski in digitalni podpis sta izraza, ki se pogosto uporabljata zamenljivo, vendar se bistveno razlikujeta. Lahko bi rekli, da se elektronski podpis uporablja posebej za potrditev pogojev oziroma vsebine določenega dokumenta in je enakovreden lastnoročnemu podpisu, medtem ko je digitalni podpis sestavljen iz edinstvenih funkcij, kot je npr. prstni odtis. Zagotavlja celovitost in pristnost, saj ga je pooblastil zaupanja vreden certifikacijski organ. Razlika in uporaba obeh vrst podpisov sta predstavljeni v teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela, kjer so jasno predstavljene uporabna vrednost, koristnost in praktičnost tako elektronskih kot digitalnih podpisov. Namen študije teorije juje bilo razločiti in v eksperimentalnem delu predstaviti mnenje študentov in zaposlenih Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete o tem, ali uporabljajo elektronske in digitalne podpise, na katerem portalu jih največ uporabljajo in ali menijo, da bodo počasi v celoti zamenjali lastnoročni podpis. V Sloveniji je najbolj razširjena oblika digitalnega podpisa SIGENCA-PASS, ki omogočapreverjanje identitete različnih uporabnikov in podpisovanje vlog ter ostalih dokumentov. Njeno uporabnost smo preverili s pomočjo spletne ankete, kjer so anketiranci odgovarjali na vprašanja, ali so seznanjeni s portalom za ustvarjanje digitalnega podpisa SIGENCA-PASS, kako pogosto ga uporabljajo in zakaj. Za napredno elektronsko podpisovanje uporabljamo PDF format PadES, ki ga je razvil Evropski inštitut za telekomunikacijske standarde (angl. European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI). ETSI je neprofitna organizacija za standardizacijo na področju informacij in komunikacij. Omogoča neposredno dodajo digitalnih podpisov v dokument PDF, shranjevanje ogradnega polja, kamor postavimo podpise, in preverjanje veljavnosti podpisov. Vse to je predstavljeno v eksprementalnem delu diplomskega dela. Electronic and digital signatures are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different. An electronic signature is used specifically to confirm the terms or content of a particular document and is equivalent to a handwritten signature, whereas a digital signature consists of unique features such as a fingerprint and ensures integrity and authenticity because it has been authorised by a trusted certification authority. This difference and the use of both types of signatures is presented in the theoretical part of the thesis, where the usefulness, utility, and practicability of both electronic and digital signatures are made clear. The aim of the thesis is to distinguish between the two, and in the experimental part, to present the opinion of the students and employees of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering as to whether they use electronic and digital signatures at all, on which portal they use them most frequently and whether they believe that they will slowly replace handwritten signatures completely. In Slovenia, the most common form of digital signature is SI-PASS, which enables verification of the user’s identity and signing of applications and other documents. The usability was assessed through an online survey in which respondents answered questions about whether they were aware of the digital signature portal SIGENCA-PASS, how often they used it and why. For advanced electronic signatures, we use the PadES PDF format developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). ETSI is a non-profit organisation for standardisation in the field of information and communication. It allows digital signatures to be added directly to a PDF document, the fields in which the signatures are stored, and the verification of the validity of the signatures. All this is presented in the experimental part of the thesis. |