Analiza instrumenta izravnave meje v funkciji katastrskega preurejanja

Autor: Novak, Lara
Přispěvatelé: Čeh, Marjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali instrument izravnave meje v funkciji katastrskega preurejanja. Izravnava meje je katastrski postopek, ki omogoča spremembo geometrije meje parcele na podlagi sporazumne volje med lastniki parcel, med katerimi se opravi izravnava meje. Izravnava meje se ne šteje za pravni promet z nepremičnino, saj je z omejitvijo velikosti oziroma površin sosednjih zemljišč, ki so predmet izravnave katastrske meje, natančno in določno omejena. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo pridobili naključni vzorec elaboratov geodetsko katastrskih storitev, katerih predmet je izravnava meje. Elaborate smo katastrsko analizirali in določili delež enostranskih oziroma obojestranskih izravnav. Pozorni smo bili tudi na možnost prikritega prometa z nepremičninami. Drugi vir podatkov raziskovalnega dela naloge predstavlja anketni vprašalnik, ki smo ga poslali izvajalcem geodetske stroke. Odgovore smo nato analizirali in interpretirali. Po pregledu rezultatov smo ugotovili, da se bolj pogosto izvede enostranska izravnava meje. Prikritega prometa z nepremičninami z majhnim vzorcem dosegljivih podatkov, ki smo jo uporabili za izdelavo diplomske naloge, ne moremo dokazati. In this Graduation thesis we discussed the instrument of boundary adjustment as a function of cadastral rearrangement. Boundary adjustment is a cadastral procedure which enables an alternation of cadastral boundaries, and it is based on an agreement between the neighbouring owners of the lots in the process. Boundary adjustment is not considered legal trading of real estate properties in Slovenia because it is precisely limited to the size of the area of adjoining property, which is the subject of the cadastral procedure of boundary adjustment. For a research part of this Graduation thesis, we acquired a random sample of reports of geodetic cadastral services in which the subject was exclusively boundary adjustment. We analysed each cadastral report and determined the share of one-sided and both-sided boundary adjustments. We also considered the possibility of veiled trading of real estate properties. In the second part of the research work, we analysed and interpreted answers on a questionnaire that contractors of the geodetic profession filled out. After synthesis of the results, we confirmed the hypothesis that one-sided boundary adjustment is more common. Our Graduation thesis cannot verify the hypothesis of the veiled trading of real estate properties in Slovenia. Research has proven that the analyses of cadastral reports are a more reliable source of information than the questions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE