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Pesnik vizionar izraža notranje vizije neznanega, kar pomeni videti samega sebe in tudi svet na drugačen način. Za izražanje tovrstnih vizij pa sta Arthur Rimbaud in Dino Campana potrebovala ustvariti nov oz. drugačen pesniški jezik, ki bi bil zmožen to izraziti. Prvi se je v pesniški zbirki Iluminacije, v kateri sem analizirala pesmi Being Beauteous, Villes in Génie, posluževal predvsem sestavljanja sintagem, ki sugerirajo onirično naravo njegovih vizij in niso v skladu z logiko in materialno resničnostjo. Poleg tega pa so zanj značilna tudi kopičenja nominalnih fraz, brez artikulacij nadrejenosti oz. podrejenosti med frazami, ter različne oblike ponovitev fonične narave. Dino Campana se v zbirki Orfični spevi, v kateri sem analizirala pesmi La Notte, La Chimera in Genova, tudi poslužuje nominalnega stila in ustvarjanja sintagem, ki bi poudarile oniričnost in vizionarskost njegovih besedil. Dodati pa je potrebno tudi različne oblike ponovitev, ki so skorajda pesnikov zaščitni znak in naredijo konkretizacijo podobe skoraj nemogočo. A visionary poet expresses the inner visions of the unknown, which means to see oneself and the world in a different way. However, to be able to express such visions, Arthur Rimbaud and Dino Campana had to create a new or different poetic language that would be capable of expressing such visions. In Rimbauds Illuminations, were I analysed the songs Being Beauteous, Villes and Génie, the poet mainly made use of composing syntagmas which suggest the oniric nature of his visions and are not in accordance with the logic and material reality. In addition, another of Rimbauds caractheristics are the accumulation of nominal phrases, without any articulation of superiority or subordination between them, and different forms of phonetic repetitions. Dino Campana in his Orphic songs, where I analysed the songs La Notte, La Chimera and Genova, also makes use of the nominal style and the creation of syntagmas, which would enhance the oniric and visionary signs of his poems. We also need to add various forms of repetitions, which are almost the poets trademark, and make the exemplification of images almost impossible. |