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V delu so opredeljeni ključni pojmi s področja otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Delo temelji na pregledu literature, znanju s fakultete in praktičnih izkušnjah avtorja ter tesnem sodelovanju s specializirano ustanovo. Osnovni namen je, da na osnovi vpogleda v specifiko otrok, ki so hkrati slabovidni in imajo motnjo avtističnega spektra, sestavimo program za njihovo športno vadbo. Cilj je povečati motivacijo za gibanje ter posledično tudi intenziteto in kvaliteto gibanja. In the thesis are defined key concepts from the field of children with special needs. It is based on a review of literature, knowledge from the faculty and practical experience of the author, and in close cooperation with a specialized institution. The basic purpose is to draw up a program for their sports exercise based on insight into the specifics of children who are at the same time visually impaired and have a disorder of the autistic spectrum. The goal is to increase motivation for movement and, consequently, the intensity and quality of movement. |