Predlog revitalizacije območja tovarne Argo v Izoli in idejna zasnova obrtno kreativnega centra

Autor: Likar, Maja
Přispěvatelé: Zupančič, Tadeja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Izola je kulturno bogato mesto s pestro zgodovino. Znano je kot ribiško mesto, nekdaj močno v ribji predelovalni industriji. Na obravnavani lokaciji je bila leta 1881 zgrajena tovarna konzerv. Po razpadu Jugoslavije je pomankanje surovin na tržišču in prepočasno uvajanje inovacij vodilo v propad industrije. Danes je lokacija zapuščena, o nekdanjem obstoju tovarne pa pričajo le še obstoječi vhodni objekti, zid in objekt kurilnice z dimnikom. Naloga se ukvarja z možno revitalizacijo degradiranega območja. V prvem delu naloga razišče stopnjo degradiranosti prostora in preverja potenciale lokacije. Cilj naloge je revitalizirati območje tovarne Argo, tako da se ponovno vzpostavi prostor za prenos znanja, prostor za inovacije in razvoj, ki bo dostopen vsem, tako stalnim prebivalcem, kot občasnim obiskovalcem, ki bo hkrati turistična zanimivost in podpora pri gospodarskem razvoju mesta. Predlog obravnava širšo lokacijo in ponudi možno revitalizacijo območja z idejno zasnovo, ki umesti v prostor mešani program - zelene površine, prostore kulture, zunanje javno kopališče in pa objekt obrtno kreativnega centra. Le-ta je zasnovan kot hibrid, ki se lahko spreminja tako programsko kot prostorsko glede na potrebe prostora in časa. Izola is a culturally rich town. With its charm, it attracts people from all over the world and offers them a place to create. Once known as a fishing town, with strongly developed fish processing industry. In 1881, a cannery was built on the location we are dealing with. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the lack of materials on the market and the slow introduction of innovations led to the collapse of the industry. Today, the location is abandoned, and the only evidence of the former existence of the factory are the existing entrance buildings, the wall next to the main street and the building of the boiler room with a chimney. The task deals with the possible revitalization of the degraded area. In the first part, the assignment investigates the degree of degradation of the space and checks the potential of the location. The aim of the task is to revitalize the area of the Argo factory, by re-establishing a place for knowledge transfer, a place for innovation and development, which will be accessible to everyone, both permanent residents and occasional visitors, which will be a tourist attraction and a support for the economic development of the city. The proposal touches on the wider location and offers a possible revitalization of the area with a conceptual design that places a mixed program in the space - green areas, cultural spaces, an outdoor public bath and the spaces of a craft and creative center. The new facility of the craft and creative center is designed as a hybrid that can change both spatially or/and with content changes - according to the needs of space and time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE