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Diplomsko delo skuša v kontekstu viktorijanstva objasniti tematizacijo homoseksualnosti v Forsterjevih romanih Soba z razgledom (A Room with a View), Howardov kot (Howards End) in Maurice in s tem tudi utemeljiti, zakaj je eden izmed teh romanov na svojo objavo čakal več kot pol stoletja. Za razumevanje del je pomembno razumevanje njihovega avtorja ter okolja in družbenih okoliščin, v katerih so nastala, zato se v diplomskem delu posvetimo tako avtorju in njegovemu ustvarjanju kot tudi značilnostim viktorijanske družbe, med katerimi so izpostavljene tiste, ki so vezane na spol in spolnost. Temu sledi predstavitev izbranih romanov in podrobnejša analiza romana Maurice, kjer so predstavljene značilnosti obdobja, ki so odsevale v romanih, pri katerih se osredotočimo predvsem na vpliv, ki ga je negativna miselnost o homoseksualnosti v obdobju imela tako na okoliščine literarnih oseb kot na same romane. Diplomsko delo se zaključi s primerjavo izbranih del in obrazložitvijo zapoznele objave romana Maurice. Undergraduate thesis tries to explain the thematization of homosexuality in Forster%s novels A Room with a View, Howards End and Maurice, in the context of the Victorian era, and with that also substantiate, why one of the novels had to wait over half a century to be published. To understand the works, we need to understand their author, and also the environment and social circumstances in which they were penned, therefor the undergraduate thesis focuses both on the author and his writings, and the characteristics of Victorian society, among which we focus on those regarding gender and sexuality. After that we introduce the selected novels followed by a more in depth analysis of the novel Maurice, where we present the characteristics of the era recognizable in the novel, focusing predominantly on the influence that the negative mentality towards homosexuality in the era, had both on conditions of the protagonists and the novels themselves. The undergraduate thesis comes to a conclusion with a comparison of the selected works and a commentary on the delayed publication of the novel Maurice. |