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Konserviranje-restavriranje kamnitega kipa Alije Kučukalića je diplomsko delo, ki se ukvarja s propadanjem kamnitih kipov na prostem, zaščitnimi sredstvi za kamen in konserviranjem-restavriranjem kamnitega kipa ležeče ženske figure. Raziskala sem dejavnike propadanja kamnitih umetnin na prostem, identificirala vzroke propadanja obravnavane umetnine in popisala njeno stanje. Sklenila sem, da je dovolj stabilna za izvedbo postopka čiščenja in odstranjevanja bioloških oblog. Konserviranje-restavriranje umetnine sem želela povezati s temo preventivne zaščite kamnitih kipov na prostem, zato sem raziskala možnosti zaščite s premaznimi sredstvi. Spoznala sem širok nabor materialov ter prednosti in slabosti tovrstne zaščite. Po izvedenem postopku čiščenja in odstranjevanja raznih organizmov s površine kipa sem nanesla različna izbrana zaščitna sredstva na manjšo, testno površino, za namen ugotovitve učinkovitosti in združljivosti le-teh z materialom obravnavane umetnine. Conservation-restoration of a stone sculpture by Alija Kučukalić is a diploma thesis, that deals with the decay of stone statues in the open air, protective treatments for stone and conservation-restoration of a stone statue, depicting a lying female figure. I researched the decay factors of stone artworks in the open air, identified the causes of decay of the considered statue and described its condition. I concluded that it was stable enough to be cleaned and have biological deposits removed. I wanted to connect the conservation-restoration of the art piece with the topic of preventive protection of stone statues, therefore, I researched the possibilities of protection with coatings. I learned about the wide range of materials, the advantages and disadvantages of this method of protection. After cleaning and removing various organisms from the surface of the statue, I applied selected protective agents on a smaller test area, in order to determine their effectiveness and compatibility with the material of the artwork. |