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V magistrskem delu smo analizirali stanje v slovenskem futsalu. Futsal je športna igra, različica nogometa in panoga znotraj NZS, ki je ena najbolj organiziranih panožnih športnih zvez v Sloveniji. Osnovni namen dela je bil z orodji strateškega načrtovanja in na podlagi poglobljene analize stanja v slovenskem futsalu ustvariti predlog strategije oz. smernice za nadaljnji razvoj futsala v Sloveniji. Opirali smo se na strategijo Mednarodne nogometne zveze (FIFA) in na vse obstoječe strateške dokumente NZS. Delo je monografskega tipa. Z ustreznim raziskovalnim pristopom smo analizirali obstoječo znanstveno in strokovno literaturo (futsal/strateško načrtovanje) in jo ustrezno metodološko obdelali. Pri pisanju magistrske naloge, predvsem pri zbiranju podatkov, smo tesno sodelovali z Nogometno zvezo Slovenije, z odgovorno osebo za futsal (g. Stanetom Kokaljem). Ugotovitve ob opravljeni analizi nakazujejo nasprotujoče si dejavnike. Po eni strani ugotavljamo, da število registriranih igralcev v zadnjih letih narašča, narašča tudi rekreativno igranje, z organizacijo Evropskega prvenstva leta 2018 je bil dosežen uspeh v organizacijski in tekmovalni ravni. Po drugi strani, v nasprotju te uspešnosti pa spremljamo tudi upadanje registriranih ekip v slovenski ligi reprezentance imajo v zadnjih letih manj aktivnosti in tekem kot prej, na nek način stagnira strokovno organizacijski razvoj futsala. Iz navedenega je bilo mogoče sklepati, da gre za nujnost sistematičnega ukrepanja in uveljavljanje principov strateškega vodenja. Na osnovi vseh teh vhodnih podatkov smo izdelali predlog strategije futsala v Sloveniji, na osnovi štirih stebrov (množičnost urejenost in sposobnost prilagajanja trženje in komunikacija celostni razvoj, izobraževanje in usposabljanje) in ostalih področjih futsala. Opredelili smo rezultatske in organizacijske cilje ter naredili načrt dejavnosti. Naša končna ugotovitev je bila, da je še veliko neizkoriščenega prostora za boljši razvoj futsala in da gre za nujnost strateškega ukrepanja. Verjamemo in želimo, da bo uresničen cilj o tem, da naj bo predlagani dokument v pomoč NZS pri oblikovanju končne strategije razvoja futsala v Sloveniji. In the master's thesis, we analyzed the situation in Slovenian futsal. Futsal is a sports game, a version of football and a branch within the Football Association of Slovenia, which is one of the most organized sports associations in Slovenia. The main purpose of the thesis was to make a strategy proposal or guidelines for further development of futsal in Slovenia with the tools of strategic planning and based on an in-depth analysis of situation in Slovenian futsal. We relied on the strategy of the International Football Association (FIFA) and on all existing strategic documents within the Football Association of Slovenia. The thesis is of the monographic type. With an appropriate research approach, we analyzed existing scientific and professional literature (futsal/ strategic planning) and processed it methodologically appropriate. Within the process of constructing the master's thesis, especially concerning data collection, we worked closely with the Football Association of Slovenia, namely with the responsible person for futsal (Mr. Stane Kokalj). The findings of the analysis indicate conflicting facts. On the one hand, we note that the number of registered players has been growing in recent years, as well as recreational playing of futsal with the organization of the European Championship in 2018, success has been achieved looking from the organizational and competitive point of view. On the other hand, contrary to this success, we are also monitoring the decline of number of registered teams in the Slovenian league national teams have had less activities and matches in recent years than before, in a way, the professional and organizational development of futsal has stagnated. From the above, it could be concluded that the principles of the strategic management need to be systematically asserted and enforced accordingly. Based on all the input data, we prepared a proposal of futsal strategy in Slovenia, which is based on four pillars (multiplicity orderliness and flexibility marketing and communication integral development, education and training) and other futsal areas. We defined the goals regarding resultive and organizational aspects and made an action plan. Our conclusion was that there is still a lot of unused potential in development of futsal, therefore strategic action is needed. We desire and believe that the proposed document could be of help to the Football Association of Slovenia with the formation of the final strategy for the development of futsal in Slovenia. |