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Diplomska naloga obravnava problematiko odseka regionalne ceste skozi Vodice. V uvodnem delu je splošno predstavljena prometna varnost, ki ji sledi kapacitetna analiza odseka. V analizi smo predstavili obstoječe stanje semaforiziranega križišča in predstavili tri možne variante, ki bi izboljšale pretočnost križišča. Te smo analizirali za obstoječe obremenitve in obremenitve v planski dobi rekonstrukcije ter jih med seboj primerjali. V sklopu diplomskega dela smo prav tako analizirali stanje na obravnavanem odseku po gradnji predvidene obvoznice. The diploma thesis deals with the issue of the section of the regional road through Vodice. In the first part, traffic safety is generally presented, followed by a capacity analysis of the section. In the analysis, we presented the existing state of the traffic light intersection and presented three possible variants that would improve the traffic flow. These were analyzed for existing loads and loads in the planned period of reconstruction and compared with each other. As part of the diploma thesis, we also analyzed the situation of the selected section after the construction of the planned bypass. |